Ellen DeGeneres surprised Fatima Ali, candidate in the contest "Top Chef", who has 1 year to live


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/ Source: TODAY & # 39; HUI

By Lyn Mettler

Although 29-year-old chef Fatima Ali, the favorite candidate of season 15 fans of "Top Chef", has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and still has a year to live, she is not huddled not in bed.

Instead, the chief, who wrote an inspiring essay on his diagnosis in October, plans to live life to the full next year, fulfilling all sorts of wishes from his list of choices, including traveling the world, eat in the best restaurants and fine.

On Friday, Ali shared his sweet, sad and inspiring story about "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and DeGeneres surprised her with a big check to help the terminally ill leader realize his dreams.

Shortly after "Top Chef", Ali was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma, a rare form of cancer of the bones of the shoulder, and underwent chemotherapy. Watching the DeGeneres show was a great source of comfort for Ali during his chemotherapy treatments.

On the show, Ali explained that in July, the doctors had stated that she was not suffering from cancer, but she had a "strange pain" at the left hip and a "throbbing feeling that something was wrong. "

In September, she learned that the cancer had returned and her doctor gave her the prognosis at one year.

Fatima Ali is a chef in New York and a former "Top Chef" contestant. Last year, he was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma, a rare form of cancer.
Fatima Ali is a New York-based chef and a former Top Chef contestant. In 2017, he was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma, a rare form of cancer.padmalakshmi / Instagram

"I'm desperate to overload my senses over the coming months, booking in the best restaurants in the world, contacting old lovers and friends and stifling my family, leaving them the time I so selfishly kept before, "wrote Ali in a nice essay for Bon Appétit in October.

On Friday, Ali spoke to DeGeneres about his plans for next year, including trips to Italy and Spain, safaris and meals at some of the world's best restaurants.

"We should all live like this because no one of us knows what tomorrow will be," DeGeneres said.

Ellen Degeneres
Fatima Ali joined Ellen DeGeneres, talk show host at the Ellen DeGeneres Show.Michael Rozman / Warner Bros.

At the end of the interview, DeGeneres surprised Ali with a $ 50,000 check from Shutterfly to allow her to experience all that she wanted.

"It's amazing," Ali says, thanking her.

Ellen Degeneres
Michael Rozman / Michael Rozman / Warner Bros.

Ali's friends have created a GoFundMe page to support his travels and his latest wishes. Part of the funds will also be donated to Ewings Sarcoma Research.

"I look forward to next year because I am surrounded by so much positivity," Ali said. "I'm so lucky to have friends and family like me."

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