Elon Musk asked Twitter what features to put in the Tesla pickup truck


Elon Musk wants to know what Tesla should include in the electric car maker's pickup.


using his social media tracking to help him decide what a potential Tesla pickup truck will look like. On Tuesday, Musk asked his 22 million followers on Twitter, "What would you like to see in a Tesla van?"

Musk also exposed some of his own ideas – the dual motor, all He also answered some comments and questions from his followers.

Musk told a Twitter user that an adjustable suspension height would allow him to ride a distance of 400 to 500 miles. come standard with the Tesla pickup. And the truck will also include high voltage power outlets that offer enough electricity to power "high power tools" without the need for a generator, said Musk.

Another follower asked Musk to include parking, to which the CEO responded that the van "will park automatically in parallel" with the help of 360-degree cameras and sonar technology.

The planned pickup could also accommodate up to six people, Musk said on Twitter, and that he will have a very large driver seat. In fact, the driver's seat "will be big enough to fit Andre the giant," the late wrestler (who would be over 7 feet tall and weighed more than 500 pounds), Musk said online.

The past, Musk is touted the size of the Tesla pickup truck, calling it just a "mini version of the Tesla Semi" in September. While Tesla did not announce details on the size of the planned pickup, Musk said in November that it would be a pickup truck capable of carrying a pickup truck, which suggests that the Tesla pickup truck could be considerably larger than most trucks. 19659014] [ad_2]
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