Elon Musk claims that if humans are alone in the universe, the possibilities are great to explore more planets


Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX revealed that man's possibilities of exploring more planets will be high if there are no extraterrestrials in the world. Deep space.

Elon Musk to explore the universe to the fullest [19659003] In response to research conducted by scientists from Oxford University, Musk said that the absence of Aliens is an extra boost to extend life beyond the Earth. In a recent tweet, Musk also admitted that it is unclear if humans are the only living civilization in the observable universe.

"That is why we must preserve the light of consciousness by becoming a space civilization and extending life to other planets, SpaceX founder Elon Musk salutes at a conference release after the first launch of a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket at the Kennedy Space Center "title =" SpaceX founder, Elon Musk, salutes at a press conference after the first launch of a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket at the Kennedy Space Center "width =" 736 "itemprop =" contentUrl "/>

SpaceX's founder, Elon Musk, salutes at a press conference following the launch of a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States, on February 6 2018. REUTERS / Joe Skipper
Reuters [19659008] Elon Musk has already repeatedly revealed that SpaceX's main goal is to make humanity a multi-planetary species. The company is now busy working with its stage plans to colonize Mars as a first step towards this goal. The private spatial organization also plans to build a full-fledged city on the Moon.

Recently, an international team of researchers analyzed the Fermi paradox and suggested a reason why extraterrestrials have never had contact with humans yet. The Fermi paradox argues that there are millions of planets and stars in the universe, but until now, humans have not discovered solid evidence of extraterrestrial life.

On the other hand, the scientists analyzed the data collected by Cassini. the result was extremely incredible. From the samples, the researchers discovered that there is evidence of carbon-rich substances as well as the basic conditions of life in Saturn's moon Enceladus.

Dr. Frank Postberg the lead researcher said that the organic complex can be discovered molecules do not necessarily provide a livable environment, but they are one of the elements required for life. However, after discovering signs of methane and hydrogen on Enceladus, co-author Dr. Hunter Waite said that hydrogen is the source of chemical energy that supports microbes in the oceans

Even Dr. Christopher Glein, an expert on aliens Chemical Oceanography also added that recent findings suggested that the frozen moon of Saturn is considered the most likely place to have satisfactory elements for life.

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