Elon Musk has not inspired, and he is a stable genius


September 10, 2018 by Kurt Lowder

We really have to laugh at the absurdity of Tesla's coverage lately. While the Tesla Model 3 is the 5th best selling car in the United States in terms of unit sales (1st in terms of turnover), it is about to climb the ladder. Nevertheless, rather than covering these enormous milestones, the old media largely create dozens of stories about the weed caused by musk consumption, while ignoring the current success of the model.

As you must know now, Elon Musk has participated in The Joe Rogan Experience, a very popular podcast (he is currently # 2 on iTunes and has over 3.2 million subscribers on YouTube). It was a two-and-a-half hour interview, but headlines largely capture one (and not the message to remember that "love is the answer").

Joe Rogan is a comedian well known for his role in Spin City. He is also the main commentator on mixed martial arts in the UFC. Rogan comments throughout the fight and conducts most of the combat interviews with the greatest combat fighters to live. The Joe Rogan Experience is a unique podcast where Joe has long discussions with famous people. He has had guests ranging from scientist Neil Degrasse Tyson to conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Neil De Grasse Tyson has participated in the podcast 3 times over the years and the most watched interview has been viewed 7.5 million times on YouTube only. This does not count the many other platforms on which Joe Rogan Experience is launched.

In my opinion, this type of podcast is the future and cable TV is going to be dead. Sorry for you, CNBC. Rogan has an incredible ability to get along with everyone. Although often wrong, I would consider Rogan as an intellectual, based on his curiosity to understand a wide range of topics. In addition, he has an incredible ability to convince an average Joe to think about important or intriguing questions.

Rogan is usually zoomed or stoned for his podcast and often his guests join him. Sometimes guests like Jay Leno (who was pressed for time) will only stay for an hour. However, most guests, including Musk, speak for almost 3 hours without any interruptions. This is an awesome format that not only allows in-depth discussion, but also leaves time to get lost in the tangential holes of the rabbits.

Rogan has an assistant for google no matter what topic comes up. Imagine that old media do something as simple as that. They have people who keep coming back and talking about the same nonsense without checking the facts, when your average Joe could quickly do an internet search to prove a number of their scorn lies.

So, now, a lot of things about Elon Musk who smoke marijuana. He took a puff of joint mixed with tobacco and marijuana, but he did not inhale it. You can say that he did not inhale because the smoke barely stays in his mouth for a brief moment, then he comes out of his mouth in a dense, white cloud. If you compare that to Rogan, who breathes it, utters a few words and exhales it to create a wider and more diffuse gray cloud.

The puff of Musk is like a girl who eats a cigar on New Year's Eve for nonsense and laughter. Musk then went on to say that he was not feeling the effect, and I'm not surprised because obviously, he was not trying to skyrocket. It was a good sport. During the interview, he also keeps a glass of whiskey. (Keeping a drink, that's when you drink it slowly over a long time.)

Musk reiterated that marijuana is a drug that makes people unproductive and almost never uses it.

Overall, I really enjoyed the interview. I watched all the Elon Musk videos that I could find. It was a hobby for me before I started writing. They covered some of the world's most important themes, from climate change to AI. It was enlightening that Rogan really pushed Musk to describe his thinking. Naturally, Musk was reluctant to answer questions about being a rare genius, but thankfully Rogan remained determined to convince Musk to talk about what we all wanted to know.

Musk's mind also looks for the most pressing problems and solutions. Constantly. Musk has described it as "a continual explosion" of impossible-to-control thoughts. He is often portrayed as a mad scientist, whereas in fact, it is the vast majority of the world that completely or partially denies the many existential threats that the human species is currently facing and that will be of more and more confronted in the near future. The real reason for being understanding these threats is that everyone spends his life helping to solve these problems. That's what Musk does

The mind of Musk is unable to ward off the dangers of nuclear war, climate change, lethal AI, and so on. On these last two points, it can be argued that no one had more visibility than him to solve these problems with practical solutions.

Personally, I am categorically against trying to classify Musk to do only one thing. Musk is not that type of person. I really hope that Tesla will become private and that the public will be better informed of its many efforts. It has advantages and disadvantages to have many ideas and sometimes a little grandiose. However, his true genius and unprecedented dynamism are desperately needed in this world.

The consequence of this podcast is that the stock has dropped afterwards (how much is related to the podcast and how other issues are unknown). However, in the long run, it is the type of exposure that will bring many customers to Tesla. Rogan will probably buy two Tesla and you can be sure that he will offer free advertising for years to his listeners. He frequently talks about Musk and his efforts on the show.

During the interview, Rogan agreed to buy a top-of-the-line Model S (P100D), and I suppose that after acquiring it, he would not be able to withstand obtaining the new Tesla Rodster. Joe Rogan knows virtually every world class fighter, many celebrities and other important personalities. He will show his Tesla to many of them. Everyone is a great potential Tesla ambassador.

The old media did this interview in hyperbole and lies. The stock price of Tesla has taken a short-term hit, but in the long run we will see what intelligent media appearances like that create. The full interview has already been viewed 7.4 million times on YouTube only. (That was 3.3 million when I started writing this article.)

Joe Rogan Experience also divides the entire interview into smaller segments, each of which will receive millions of views. In addition to that, there are hundreds of pages of fans that will be able to use images from the interview. These videos will be broadcast by social media for years to come. Musk reaches a key audience. He joins future clients, most of whom will not own their cars but will be transported on their behalf for a fee.

To a certain extent, I do not really care what ends. Of course, I understand that this will play a role allowing Tesla to evolve quickly, and thus to push competitors to spread quickly, but I am against Tesla and Musk who are walking on eggshells . dramatic upheaval. The fact is that this appearance and others like that explain to a large extent why Tesla has the best brand in the world, which was done without advertising. Musk is that real geek that many people end up loving. It has a rare authenticity that humans appreciate.

Thus, individuals in uniform could be fooled into thinking that Musk is out of his rocker, but anyone watching the full video will understand that this is not the case.

In case you would not want to take my word about Musk not inhale, below is comedian Jimmy Dore explaining how Musk did not inhale. Dore and her two co-organizers explain it at minute two.

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About the author

Kurt Lowder I am a geek who will turn around me. I fell in love with science later in my life through The History Channel's "The Universe" show. I have become a big fan of clean technologies because it gives me hope for the future. My wife, my dogs and I live simply because we love traveling in the world of backpackers.

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