Elon Musk Says 'Sure,' The Boring Company Can Transform This City's Transit


EMusk has big plans for its infrastructure venture, The Boring Company. The tech mogul has all the tunnels burrowed by his company could lay the foundation for a cross-country hyperloop transit system. And on Tuesday, the CEO hinted at the next city that could be getting hyperloop treatment.

The Boring Company is a two-mile proof-of-concept tunnel that connects SpaceX's Hawthorne, California headquarters to a Los Angeles suburb on December 10. After that, the company might look northward for its next California-based tunneling effort, to San Francisco.

Marc Benioff, the CEO of the cloud-based software company Salesforce. In the tunnel of Musk shared on Tuesday, Benioff asked him to expand his transit tunnels to the Bay Area.

"Elon can you and [The Boring Company] help us in San Francisco? We will have a new transit center soon, but we need rapid transportation from Downtown to the Ocean, Marin Country, East Bay, San Jose, and LA, "he wrote. "Bullet train too far away! Can you do it? "

"Sure, we can do it," the chipper Musk dropped in the replies.

As it stands, The Boring Company has been green-lit to start burrowing under Chicago, Washington D.C., and has laid out a blueprint for expanding its tunnel. Somewhat surprisingly, San Francisco has not been part of the equation, at least publicly, until now.

Musk has had a great deal of interest in the transit system as it has an underground network of tunnels that serves automobiles, culverts, cyclists, and pedestrians. Instead of a car-centric underground highway he wants to prioritize football, bicycle, and public transit traffic.

How Elon Musk envisions the LA transit system.

This could be particularly helpful in the Bay Area, which has a growing population, but the growth of the world has increased.

San Jose and San Francisco actually have the fifth and the seventh highest cyclist fatality rates per million people in the U.S., according to a 2015 report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Lots of people were probably bike commuters: Last year, more than 44,000 bikes were counted on an average weekday in San Francisco, according to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.

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