Elon Musk says Tesla cars may soon have a "doggy fashion"


Tesla cars may soon come with a special "dog mode" feature that offers a solution to leave your pet alone in a stuffy car parked.

The idea of ​​such a feature was launched last week by Twitter user @nynex in a tweet to Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla. The user suggested that the "dog mode" of Tesla Model 3 would activate air conditioning, music and a sign telling passers-by that the dog was doing well.

Musk, who has never feared occasional interactions with Twitter users, responded to the request with a simple "yes".

So, the simple "yes" of Musk is not exactly a resounding guarantee that Tesla is going all out with the "dog mode", but he suggests that this is on the radar of the company.

The informal tone in the way Musk responds to users is, compared to other Fortune 500 CEOs, incredibly unorthodox. But more particularly and notoriously, Musk is known for his presence on Twitter, which has earned him the trigger, which has earned him (more than once) trouble with the shareholders and government agencies of its companies.

But Musk, who is also CEO of SpaceX and Boring Company, has actually listened to Twitter's suggestions in the past for solutions to Tesla.

Considering studies show that people care more about dogs than other humans, it's hard to imagine that Tesla owners would not adopt a "doggy style". We can only hope that Musk is as interested in pets as it is in people who feel they need "paternity leave" and regularly spend more than $ 1,000 a year on their puppy.

There is a need for such a car-specific feature: hundreds of pets die each year when they are left alone in parked cars. And you've probably seen more than your share of viral videos showing strangers breaking car windows to save a panting and overheated puppy.

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