Elon Musk tweets it's time to create a robot 'mecha & # 39; or giant anime


Elon Musk tweeted about his love for a 2016 animated film and added that it was time to create a "mecha" or giant fighting robot anime in the wee hours of the morning on Sunday morning.

Musk has already tweeted about anime and confesses not sleeping too much.

Around midnight Pacific time Musk tweeted the trailer for "Your Name" saying that he liked it. Wikipedia describes the film as "a fantasy drama based in Japan" that has become a hit in and out of Japan.

Around 1:30 in the morning, Musk tweeted "It's time to create a mecha."

A "mecha", in the context of the anime, is a giant robot shaped like a man, with a pilot, flying and flying. Robots, popular in cartoons like the "Gundam" series, are usually armed with firearms, melee weapons or sci-fi weapons.

While governments around the world are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons and defense programs each year, no major army has yet stressed the need for a giant robot swinging a sword.

Although it seems that Musk has been nonchalantly mentioning a sci-fi manufacturing challenge, he has already presented some seemingly joking proposals.

The Boring Company, a subsidiary of Spacek Corporation of Musk, "began as a joke," Musk said in September.

But now, Boring has undertaken a massive tunnel construction project for the city of Los Angeles to reduce traffic.

In fact, The Boring Company already sells impassable weapons with the flamethrower, which sells quickly, and which also began as a reference to the joke of the movie "Space Balls".

But all of Musk's jokes on Twitter have not gone as well. After Musk's famous "secured financing" tweet in which he had announced that he would take Tesla privately when the action would reach $ 420, the Securities and Exchange Commission sued him.

The prosecution of the SEC alleges that Musk made false or misleading statements with the tweet, and that this could have been a joke for his girlfriend.

"Musk said that he had rounded the price up to $ 420 because he had recently learned the importance of the figure in growing marijuana and that he thought his girlfriend" would find that funny, which is certainly not a good reason to choose a price, "says the document.

Musk has agreed to resign as Chairman of the Tesla Board for a period of three years under an agreement with the SEC, although he will remain chief executive.

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