Elon Musk's SpaceX and Russian space program take part in a new space race, this time it's nuclear


Russia in Musk: "Challenge accepted!" This is the message we get when we analyze the rude speech of Russia, reported by BGR.

"Elon Musk and SpaceX will not lead the race to the reusable rocket space long, at least not if Russia has something to say about it.The Russian research center Keldysh has been working for nearly 10 years on a solution It is now launching the hype with a new video concept showing the operation of its spacecraft.

S addressing reporters, Vladimir Koshlakov explained that Elon Musk and SpaceX did not pose a real threat to the group's projects. According to Mr Koshlakov, Musk is relying on a technology that will soon be outdated, as Russia seeks to shape the future of spaceflight. "

It sounds a bit like what you expect from heavyweight boxers just before a big pay-per-view match. Except that, in this case, it is difficult to understand what are the issues. The first race in the space concerned national pride. Even in this case, it does not matter which nation-state reached the space first or left a memory on the moon.

One might think that we have gone beyond all that with the success of the international space station. It shows what we can do when we go beyond artificial lines on a map and overcome political differences to become one people.

But that's not what we said in the first space race. And he does not seem to fly in the current. What steals is the Tesla Roadster from Elon Musk. Because where it is, we do not need roads.

In this photo provided by SpaceX on Feb. 8, a Tesla roadster launched from the Falcon Heavy rocket with a dummy pilot named Starman heads for Mars.



paceX via Getty Images

We can easily imagine a future where reusable rockets will be useful. But there will be a lot of work to do. In the end, it does not matter who did it first. As for the right to boast, it's a government against an individual. And the individual wins.

That said, the Russians know the space well. And we can only benefit from their contributions. They also know about nuclear power. So it makes sense that they managed to merge the two.

Note that this is not the first time that officials of Russian space quarrel with Musk on his ambitions. Vladimir Solntsev, managing director of Russia's largest space flight provider, RSC Energia, has hinted that Musk could not send paying customers into space and around the moon by next year.

Sontsev is not wrong about what he said. Musk tends to be surprised. We did not see the drawings of Musk. There is no launcher or spaceship. Again, Musk has one of his cars in space and heads for Mars. Your move, Russia.

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