Elvis and Darth Vader invade Space Station for Halloween astronauts


Elvis and Darth Vader invade Space Station for Halloween astronauts

From left to right: Russian cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev, European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst and NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor dressed for Halloween at the International Space Station on October 31, 2018.

Credit: NASA / ESA / Alexander Gerst via Twitter

Happy Halloween from the International Space Station!

The three current inhabitants of the space station posed for phantasmagorical group photos in their extravagant Halloween costumes and transmitted these images to Earth today (October 31). "Have a scary day in space", the astronaut of the European Space Agency Alexander Gerst tweeted.

In the photos, Gerst is disguised as Darth Vader while brandishing a red lightsaber. This imitator of Elvis Presley is the Russian cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev, who sports fake paws and matching bristles to the chest. NASA astronaut, Serena Auñón-Chancellor, appears to be dressed as a mad scientist in her lab coat, adorned with a skull-shaped emblem. [These Scary Things in Space Will Haunt Your Dreams]

If you look closely at the coat of Auñón-Chancellor, you will notice the letters "M.D." after his name and "Class of 2001" under this text. Auñón-Chancellor was a flight surgeon before becoming an astronaut. She obtained her medical degree from the Health Science Center at the University of Texas at Houston in 2001. Her lab coat was therefore probably not coming from a costume shop. And since she is doing scientific experiments every day in space, her suit's goggles were on board the space station long before she created her costume.

With regard to Prokopyev and Gerst, their costumes and accessories were to be shipped by the space station with a cargo replenishment mission during the 56/57 expedition or a previous expedition. Several guitars and other instruments are currently stored in the orbiting laboratory. Since the team dresses for Halloween each year, some aspects of their costumes may have been left behind by previous residents.

The three members of the crew of the Expedition 57 currently in space must return to Earth on December 13th. Their replacement crew must arrive in early December; this team will be made up of astronaut Anne McClain of NASA, astronaut of the Canadian Space Agency David Saint-Jacques and Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko.

Email Hanneke Weitering at [email protected] or follow her. @hannekescience. Follow us on twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook. Original article on Space.com.

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