Emanuel, Madigan to Unveil Police Reform Plan This Afternoon "CBS Chicago


CHICAGO (CBS) – Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, and Illinois Attorney General, Lisa Madigan, publish this afternoon a draft consent decree governing the radical changes to the Chicago Police Department

The draft agreement includes changes to the use of force by the police. and more. Emanuel, Johnson and Madigan will release the document Friday at 2:00 pm [19659002] The final point of disagreement in the negotiations between City Hall and Madigan was whether officers must file a report every time they point their guns at someone. # 39; a. While officers now have to file a report whenever they use force, they do not need to do it when they take out their weapon and point it at someone else.

The consent decree will not only put the city's police reforms in writing, The reforms come in response to a scathing report from the Justice Department last year that found systematic abuse of minorities by the Chicago police, and a training "seriously deficient" officers.

The 161-page report attributes the inadequacy and obsolescence of training, discipline and supervision policies to the department. As many CPD critics have said for years, the Department of Justice found that the use of force by the Chicago Police Department unfairly targeted African American and Hispanic communities.

The Department of Justice and the Emanuel Administration signed an agreement to negotiate a consent decree, but when the Trump administration waived this agreement, and the mayor advanced with efforts to negotiate Madigan sued city to compel courts to compel justice

In New Orleans, a five-year consent decree had a dramatic effect on brutality complaints in The Big Easy [19659008]. last year said: "The monitoring team has found no dispute over the past two years, alleging excessive use of force." [19659002] A study of 23 departments under consent decrees, including New Orleans, found prosecutions dropped dramatically – from 23 to 36 percent each year, in every city.

Sheila Bedi, a professor at Northwestern Law School, is part of the consent negotiating decrees. She says she's expecting a similar outcome in Chicago

"The city of Chicago should expect to pay a lot less in case of police misconduct because the police will forced to be in accordance with the constitution, "Bedi said. From 2004 to 2016, Chicago taxpayers disbursed $ 662 million in policy settlements and payments continue to come.

Last year, a federal jury reached a record $ 44.7 million in settlement. "

" He will ensure accountability, he will provide oversight, it is a critically important tool, "said Bedi, referring to the decree on consent


"Since compliance demands a significant cultural shift from the department's historical practices, this element necessarily takes longer to accomplish," says the report.

Once the draft consent decree is submitted to the federal court, there will be a public hearing on the proposed reforms before the US District Judge Robert Dow decides whether to approve them.

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