Emboldened by Kavanaugh's victory, Trump attacks Democrats "overwhelmed"


COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa – President Trump intensified his attacks on Democrats on Tuesday night as he tried to portray them as the party of "radous" and "crazy" radicals who should not be given control of Congress.

At a tumultuous rally, Mr. Trump returned to the campaign track for a tour of honor after a solemn ceremonial swear by Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh at the White House. He made it clear that he would use the confirmation fight as a rallying cry. in the remaining weeks before the mid-term elections. Supporters enthusiastically extolled the mention of Judge Kavanaugh's name.

Addressing the opposition of Judge Kavanaugh, accused of sexual misconduct by women who knew him in high school and at university, Mr. Trump said the Democrats had become "totally unbalanced ", and he cited a series of them named by name as an audience. booed. "Democrats have become too extreme and, frankly, they have become too dangerous to govern," he said. "They left wacko."

The President's evolving speech on the election campaign is part of a concerted Republican effort of recent days aimed at reformulating the protests against Judge Kavanaugh as acts of an "angry mob of the left". ". In fact, Mr. Trump and his allies are trying to paint his opposition in the same light as he was painted during his time on the national scene. A former contributor recently wrote a book called "Unhinged" about Mr. Trump, while others privately questioned his mental stability.

Turning the tables, Trump hopes to give fans a reason to run on November 6, even though most polls show that Democrats are likely to win seats in the House and perhaps, albeit less likely , in the Senate. The Democrats, he said, were not content with politics, but practiced the "politics of anger, division, and destruction."

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"You do not put the matches back to the arsonists," said the president at an arena filled with thousands of spectators, many wearing his red "Make America Great Again" hat or carrying signs with slogans such as "Women For Trump" and "Finish the wall."

The rally that took place here, on the border between Iowa and Nebraska, brought him back to a farm at a time when his tariff war left many farm businesses and workers trapped. Mr. Trump sought to reassure them that he still had his back to the ground. He said he was keeping his election promise to lift the federal ban on selling higher ethanol blends to ethanol during the summer months.

"We are going with E15 all year," he said to applaud. "I made that promise during the campaign," he said, adding: "Promises made, promises kept".

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