The Federal Emergency Management Agency will conduct a test of the national alert system that allows “presidential alerts” to hit the majority of cellphones.

WASHINGTON – Millions of cell phones will beep, chirp and vibrate at exactly 2:18 p.m. Wednesday.

Don’t panic.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is conducting a nationwide test of its Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), similar to the ones conducted on radio and television. In fact, radio and TV will start broadcasting similar messages as part of its Emergency Alert System (EAS) at precisely 2:20 p.m.

“The purpose of the test is to ensure that EAS and WEA are both effective means of warning the public about emergencies, particularly those on the national level,” FEMA said in a release. Testing of public alert and warning systems helps to assess the operational readiness of alerting infrastructure and to identify any needed technological and administrative improvements.

Cell towers will broadcast the WEA test for approximately 30 minutes. Cell phones that are switched on, within range of an active cell tower, and whose wireless provider participates in WEA, should be capable of receiving the test message.

The cell phone message will have a header that reads “Presidential Alert” and the following text: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” 

It should appear only once.

This will be the first national test of the cell phone alerts. The system is used to warn the public about dangerous weather, missing children and other critical situations while also providing the president the capability to address the nation during a national emergency.

The exercise is being held in cooperation with the Federal Communications Commission and the National Weather Service, and with the participation of the communications industry.

What are Wireless Emergency Alerts?

According to the National Weather Service, Wireless Emergency Alerts are emergency messages sent by authorized government alerting authorities through your mobile carrier.

Agencies include FEMA, the NWS and more

Government partners include local and state public safety agencies, FEMA, the FCC, the Department of Homeland Security and the National Weather Service. No signup is required to receive the alerts.

Alerts are sent in the event of extreme weather; local emergencies requiring evacuation or immediate action; AMBER Alerts or presidential alerts during a national emergency.

When do I know if it’s a WEA alert or just someone in my DMs?

You’ll know the difference between a WEA and a regular text because WEA messages include a special tone and vibration, both repeated twice, officials said.

If you were to get a message in a real emergency, officials advise you follow any action advised by the emergency message.

Can I opt out of these emergency alerts?

Anyone interested in opting-out of the WEA system can do so for all except for presidential messages by visiting You can also contact your wireless provider for more information.

— Information from the Indianapolis Star was used in this story.

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