Eminem knew that he should not have said a homophobic insult to a new song, but he did it anyway


Photo: Kevin Winter (Getty Images for iHeartMedia)

Eminem has never really hesitated to say dreadful things in his songs, either as an edgy gag or because he's really pissed off by his mother or whatever, but he admits that he's not sure what's going on. he went too far in his new song "Fall". Sway about his new album Suicide bomber (via Vulture), Eminem acknowledged that he probably should not have called Tyler, the Creator, a homophobic insult. "I was angry when I said shit about Tyler," Eminem told Sway, and while he admired Tyler, Eminem was offended when rapper Odd Future criticized his music on Twitter (social media is an important factor in modern tracks).

Specifically, Eminem's "Fall" contains the line "Tyler create nothin", I see why you're called a fag, and he now says he regrets the use of this homophobic insult. "I thought it might be too far," he told Sway, "because in my quest to hurt him, I realize that I hurt a lot of other people by saying it." Eminem was even certain that he had gone far away from disturbing him as he was collecting the album, and he came to the point where he decided to obscure the word on the song so he could escape that assertion because he realized it was wrong.

Here's the thing, though: They're bullshit. On the basis of Eminem's own account, he had every chance of do not release a song in which he used a homophobic insult, but he did it anyway. Now, just because he knew it was a mistake at the time and he had made no effort to fix it, he expects some kind of credit. He did not apologize, he did not say it was really wrong, he just said that the 27-year-old was hurting his feelings pity that he had no choice but to say a word he probably should not have said. What a hero.

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