Eminem slams Machine Gun Kelly with the track Diss Killshot & # 39; – Variety


The comings and goings of Eminem's "Kamikaze" album intensified on Friday afternoon when the rapper fired back at Machine Gun Kelly with a new track titled "Killshot". a response to Eminem's "Not Alike".

"Killshot" includes some of Em's funniest rhymes in recent memory, the result being his response to Kelly's pictures that he was old and disconnected:

"Slim, you are old"

Ow, Kelly, ooh, but I'm 45 and I'm still selling you

At 29, I had three albums that had exploded …

I would rather be 80 years old than 20 years old. "

He is also involved in a rap story-centric dig in one of his classic pills:

"The day you take out a tube, it's the day that Diddy admits that he put the shot that killed Pac." Diddy. You know I like you. "

He often refers to the tweet of MGK in 2012 on the daughter of Eminem.

"Here is this autograph for your daughter, I wrote it on a Starter cap," says Em raps. "Stan, son, listen, man, daddy's not crazy / But how are you going to name yourself after a hell of a gun and have a man?"

There are many more gems. Dig below:


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