Emma Thompson wore sneakers at her lady's ceremony


Emma Thompson poses after her lady commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) during an inauguration ceremony.

By Steve Parsons / Getty Images.

Emma Thompson received his honor on Wednesday for his lady commander of the most excellent Order of the British Empire at Buckingham Palace.

The actress and writer has received the honor of Prince William and was joined by her 15-year-old husband, Greg Wise, their daughter, Gaia, and their son Tindyebwa Agaba Wise.

It is an honor that the British do not take lightly, but Thompson must also have fun. This is after all a woman who walked barefoot on the stage and threw her shoes behind her at the 2014 Golden Globes. "I just want you to know, this red? It's my blood, "she said of her red-bottomed Louboutins before throwing them in. In her apparent quest of never having to wear heels again, she chose a pair of bright white sneakers for her ceremony. Wednesday.

In a September interview with Seth Meyers, Thompson joked with the late night host that his daily attitude had changed since the first nomination for the honor in June.

"Yes, Commander of the British Empire, I have become much more powerful since it happened," she said, "I have also made sure that every seat on which I I'm sitting a little taller, it's subtle, so people just get up a little more head than before, but they do not really know why. "

Thompson, socially conscious, also spoke of some of the darkest foundations on which empirical honor is based.

"They send you a letter saying," Will you accept that? ". You can choose not to do it. You can choose to say, "Of course, we have no more empire, thank God it's a horrible, colonial, racist and fearsome enterprise at every level" and we have a moral principle about it. Or you can be like me and think, "Hmm, it's going to be a very nice badge."

She added that above all her honors, she was delighted with a previous meeting with the Queen, in which she watched the monarch open his purse, take out a dog biscuit and roll his corgis.

It is not known yet if Thompson had the opportunity to see the Queen again at her ceremony (William seemed to be taking charge of the festivities), but she wore those presumably comfortable white sneakers. A lady, after all, does not need to wear those pesky heels, not even for the royal family.

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