Emmanuel Macron's approval rating drops to its lowest level with only 29% support


French President Emmanuel Macron has been hit with his lowest approval rating ever as his popularity continues to fall.

Only 29% of French citizens surveyed in September said they were satisfied with Macron, according to a new Ifop survey – the lowest figure ever recorded by the cabinet during his presidency.

The leader's rating fell 34% in August and 39% in July. It follows a series of high-profile departures from his government and a summer scandal over the dismissal of his bodyguard.

The president was also heavily criticized last week for telling an unemployed person that he could easily find a job simply by "crossing the street".

By winning the 2017 elections with 66.1% of the vote, the centrist politician has faced The Republic on the move! (LREM) party that he helped establish the previous year.

The former investment banker is committed to modernizing the French economy, but many voters have complained that his labor reforms have only benefited the country's largest companies.

Francois de Rugy, Macron's new environment minister, said the low popularity rating would not change the government's agenda.

The Minister of Environment Emmanuel Macron, Nicolas Hulot leaves French radio

"I consider these polls a stimulant," he told BFM-TV. "They remind us that we must act.

"Every time you want to change, some people will oppose it. So you have two solutions: either you stop in the hope of being popular again, or you continue to listen to the French. "

Mr. Macron was damaged earlier this month by the surprise resignation of his environment minister, Nicolas Hulot, a former popular activist and television presenter. Mr. Hulot complains of his disappointment at the government's lack of ambition on climate issues.

Sports Minister Laura Flessel also resigned earlier in September. She decided to leave for reasons related to his "tax situation," said a source told AFP.

Les responsables de la fiscalité auraient informé la Commission des infractions fiscales (CIF) de la France de leurs soupçons. Mme Flessel avait sous-estimé ses revenus.

Et la semaine dernière, le ministre de l’Intérieur, Gerard Collomb, l’un des plus proches alliés de Macron, a déclaré qu’il se retirerait pour se porter candidat à la mairie de Lyon en 2020.

En juillet, le garde du corps principal de M. Macron, Alexandre Benalla, a été licencié après que des images vidéo l’aient montré en train de frapper un manifestant et d’entraîner une femme hors service.

Additional reports by agencies

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