Ennio Morricone, composer of "The Hateful Eight", declares: Quentin Tarantino "only steals that of others"


UPDATE 15:00 pm AND: Despite the news, Ennio Morricone denied criticizing his close collaborator. The composer made a statement to the Hollywood Journalist distancing himself from comments and praising Quentin Tarantino. Read it in full below.

It was brought to my attention that Playboy Germany had published an article in which I had made extremely negative comments about Tarantino and his films, as well as about the Academy. I have never made a negative statement about the Academy, Quentin or his films – and I certainly do not consider his films as garbage. I gave my lawyer in Italy a mandate to take civil and criminal measures.

I consider Tarantino as an excellent director. I like very much my collaboration with him and the relationship we developed during the time we spent together. He is brave and has a huge personality. I acknowledge that our collaboration is responsible for obtaining my Oscar, which is certainly one of the greatest thanks of my career, and I am always grateful for the opportunity to compose music for his film.

In London, at a press conference in front of Tarantino, I made it clear that I considered Quentin one of the greatest directors of the day, and that I would never speak badly of the Academy – an important institution which gave me two of the most important recognitions of my career.

See the original story below.

During an interview for PlayboyIn its German edition, the famous film composer Ennio Morricone attacked the originality of its award-winning director, Quentin Tarantino. Morricone, who scored 2015 The Hateful Eight, said that his known reuse of material from other filmmakers does not make him a director.

"The man is a jerk, he steals only the others and puts them together again, there is nothing original about it, it does not make him a director," said the composer, 90 years old. "It has nothing to do with Hollywood greats such as John Huston, Alfred Hitchcock or Billy Wilder, they had classes, Tarantino just cooks old dishes."

Morricone also described Tarantino's work ethic as "absolutely chaotic".

"He speaks without thinking, he does everything at the last minute, he has no idea," Morricone said. "He calls unexpectedly and wants a full score in a few days, it is not possible, it makes me so crazy, I will not stand it, and I told him that last time. "

This is not the first time Morricone has torn Tarantino. After his work appeared in 2013 Django UnchainedThe Italian composer told the LUISS University in Rome that he "would not want to work with him on anything" because Tarantino "puts music in his films without coherence".

Morricone had no shot this time. He also criticized the United States and the Oscars (he won the award for the best original score in 2016 for The Hateful Eight).

"I had been hurting for so long, in the plane and at the ceremony." If I looked happy, it was because I knew I was going to be in the air. would soon be moving away from this boring ceremony, "said Morricone.

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