Ennio Morricone Says Quentin Tarantino's Quotes Are False


Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images

Ennio Morricone, the legendary composer of spaghetti westerns, has some cruel words for Quentin Tarantino. And they are all in German! Morricon worked with Tarantino on his western, The Hateful Eight, and apparently the collaboration was not happy. In the new issue of Playboy Germany, Morricone calls Tarantino "ein Kretin" (a moron), "nichts originell" (not original) and "kein Regisseur" (not a real director). According to Morricone, Tarantino would call the composer in the middle of the night and then ask for a full score in a few days.

Morricone looks fundamentally above Hollywood, its directors and its ceremonies. He won an Oscar for The Hateful Eight and really hated the experience. Now, he does not want to go to this terrible America with these pompous pomposites, these embarrassments like the Oscars and the whole thrift shop. "

Update of November 11: In a new statement, Morricone denies not only uttering such insults about Tarantino, but he also claimed never to have given an interview to Playboy Germany at all. Torsion! "It's totally wrong. I did not grant an interview to Playboy Germany and more, I've never called Tarantino a moron and I certainly do not consider his films as garbage. I gave my Italian lawyer a mandate to take civil and criminal measures, "he said, in part, indiewire. "I consider Tarantino an excellent director. I like very much my collaboration with him and the relationship we developed during the time we spent together. "

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