Enthusiasm of voters up sharply compared to 2014: poll


Voter enthusiasm is now much higher than when preparing for the mid-term elections in 2014, according to a poll released Sunday.

Seventy-six percent of those surveyed in The Washington Post-ABC News poll said they were "absolutely sure to vote", and 12% said "probably".

In 2014, when Republicans took the Senate, 65% of respondents said in a similar survey that they would certainly vote.

The increase observed in the new poll is driven by youth and non-white voters and Democrats.

About 67% of Americans aged 18 to 39 said they would vote absolutely in November, compared with 42% who said the same thing in 2014.

Non-white voters also reported a sharp increase in their enthusiasm, from 48% to having declared that they would vote absolutely four years ago to 72% this year.

And the percentage of Democrats who said they would vote in November jumped by 18 percentage points, to reach 81%.

Republican enthusiasm, meanwhile, has only increased by 4 percentage points, with 79% of respondents to the GOP stating that they would vote absolutely mid-term in 2018.

Seventy-five percent of GOP respondents said that they would certainly vote when Republicans would take the Senate and win seats in the House of Commons in 2014, while only 63% of Democrats told investigators that they would take seats in the House of Commons in 2014. they would do it absolutely two years ago, with a margin of 12 points.

The latest Washington Post-ABC News survey polled 991 registered voters from October 8 to 11, with a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

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