Epic failure: 97 percent have dirty hands at the dinner table, in the kitchen


Source: USDA

Source: USDA

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, new research shows that consumers do not clean their hands properly when it's over. It's a matter of washing them before meals. To be exact, 97% fail to wash their hands.

The study showed that rushed and unsafe hand washing promotes cross-contamination by food, cooking utensils and surfaces such as handles and countertops in the refrigerator. Acting Undersecretary for Food Security at the USDA, is the mother of three young children and used her personal perspective to describe the importance of the research report. She is "very familiar with the crazy families that families make to put dinner on the table."

"You can not see, smell or smell bacteria, washing your hands properly can protect your family and prevent bacteria from contaminating your food and key areas of your kitchen."

L & # The study, which evaluated food consumption behaviors in a test kitchen, was conducted by the USDA, RTI International and North Carolina State University.The preliminary results of the observational research showed results. Concerns in the following categories:

Washing hands

  • Consumers washed their hands badly 97% of the time
  • Most consumers did not wash every 20 seconds and
  • Many participants did not wipe their hands with a clean towel

Using the Thermometer

  • Only 34% of participants used a thermometer to check that their burgers were t Well cooked, and
  • Of those who used the food thermometer, about half still did not cook hamburgers at the minimum safe internal temperature to kill pathogens.


  • 48 percent of the time, they contaminated the spice containers used in hamburger preparation;
  • 11 percent of the time they spread bacteria on the handles of refrigerators; and
  • 5 percent of the time they soiled salads because of cross-contamination.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 48 million Americans have foodborne illnesses each year, resulting in approximately 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths. "Children, older adults, and immunocompromised people are particularly at risk," warns the CDC.

With the arrival of summer and the popularity of the grilling season, the USDA reminds consumers to use a thermometer poultry products at their safe internal temperature recommended. Meat and poultry products are considered "made" when they reach the following minimum internal temperatures:

  • Beef, pork, lamb and veal (steaks, roasts and chops): 145 ° F
  • Meat minced (including hamburgers and sausages): 160 degrees F; and
  • Poultry (whole or ground): 165 degrees F.

When checking internal temperatures, while cooking meat and poultry cakes, insert the thermometer on the side of the pancake until The probe reaches the center. "Always wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling raw meat, poultry or eggs," advises the USDA. Make sure to wash your hands for 20 seconds and do not forget to dry them only on clean towels later

For more information, you can view a summary of the information. study here.

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