Episode 3 of Star Wars Resistance: The Triple Dark increases the level of threat



Kaz and BB-8, still reliable, reveal information about an impending hacker attack and need to find a way to stop them.


The third episode of the CGI Star Wars Resistance animated series offers a bit of tension after last week. sweet double episode first.

Kazuda Xiono (Christopher Sean), better known as Kaz, is accustomed to life on the Colossus' supply platform while he's trying to spy on the First Order in the months that have preceded The Force Awakens. The plot began to take shape and we learned a little bit about this corner of the galaxy.


Kaz is a terrible spy

He has been instructed to know more about the presence of the First Order on the platform, but he needs to keep his cover to be able to do it. After being sent for plays by Jarek Yeager (Scott Lawrence), he manages to get distracted and attract attention as he tries in vain to gather information about the First Order.

BB-8 compensates for his incompetence and saves the day several times, but Kaz annoys Yeager and questions his fellow mechanic Tam Ryvora (Suzie McGrath) about his article.

It will surely grow and earn their respect in the series, but it is strange that Poe entrusts any type of mission to a person so green that it wears a bright green jacket (which is actually very pretty).

The Colossus is regularly attacked by pirates

The platform is often paralyzed by Triple Dark storms that reduce visibility and make it vulnerable to pirates led by Kragan Gorr (Gary Anthony Williams), who is likely to kill and steal during their assaults. Those who live there must hide during these attacks.

It's cool that we're seeing some of the threats faced by people living on a vital part of the outer periphery – mostly the wild west of Star Wars. There are not many laws to protect them, even with the new benign republic having taken the place of the Galactic Empire after the events of the Return of the Jedi.

Aces protect the colossus

The best pilots on the platform – whom we saw running in the first – face all the threats to those who live it. However, the pirates outnumbered them until Kaz managed to scramble their communications.

No doubt we will know more about these guys as the series progresses and Fireball – the ship that Kaz crashed during the first – is repaired enough to fly among them. One can expect Kaz to earn their respect and become for them the equivalent of the Resistance of Rogue Squadron (Luke Skywalker's fighter group in the original Trilogy).


Fans of The Clone Wars and Rebels could recognize this shuttle.


Vintage Star Wars vehicles and armor are here

The first pirate we meet, a Rodian named Hallion (Jonathan Lipow) uses a Sheathipede shuttle regularly seen at The clone war (which took place decades before the events of the resistance). Ghost's crew also used one as the second drop ship in Rebels' last seasons.

Kragan seems to be piloting a modified imperial shuttle, while some of his henchmen wear the old Stormtrooper … and we quickly learn where they probably got it.

The novels revealed that the First Order began with imperial ships and survivors of the Battle of Jakku – the last major conflict between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire that took place a year after the return of the Jedi – but improved his fleet and his style. in the years since.


Captain Phasma – brilliant and chrome! Let's hope this show will give him more to do than cinema.


Captain Phasma is preparing a diabolical plot, but what could it be?

The final scene reveals that the pirates are working for the First Order – an idea suggested by Major Vonreg (Lex Lang) and the Invisible Commander Pyre – Sow fear among those who live on the Colossus so that they accept the "protection" of the totalitarian regime when Phasma (Gwendoline Christie) offers it.

We do not know exactly why she wants the platform, but this could be a step towards the resumption of the galaxy's infrastructure as the First Order prepares to annihilate the New Republic (as shown by The Force Awakens).

His shiny armor also looks rather spiffy in the CGI cel-shaded style of the series. Let's hope we'll see a lot and it's more than it did in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.

Star Wars Resistance will air on Sunday at 22h. ET / PT on Disney Channel, DisneyNOW and Disney Channel VOD.


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