Episode IX is more "loose" and more improvised than previous movies


Oscar Isaac, in The Last Jedi.
Image: Lucasfilm

Improvisation is at the origin of some important moments of Star wars history – Han's famous "I know", for example, but it's not considered the norm. According to Oscar Isaac, this could change.

In a recent interview with IndieWire, Isaac spoke about the filming of the new Star warssaying, "The way they shot is now more flexible than it has been these past two times," a comment that the article clarifies refers to improvisation on the set. "It's really a relief to get on the set and say," Oh, we can try things. "It's a testimony of J.J. coming back and feeling confident, there is less pressure to make it fair, we just want to make a good film and have a good time doing it."

He adds that this movement is natural for the material and that it is not mediocre. "Often you feel that you have to find a way to make something more alive, but this time it's the opposite," he said. "There is no need to smuggle in there."

Improvisation can add a lot to a movie, and movies that have been heavily improvised …Iron Man Here's another great example: you can have distinct tones and styles from movies that rely more on the filming script. It will be intriguing to see how Episode IX differs from the previous Abrams Star wars film, and the rest of the new movies in general.

Star Wars: Episode IX currently has no title and is in production. Its release is scheduled for December 20, 2019.

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