Erdogan calls the state "most fascist, racist" of Israel


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday described Israel as "the most fascist and racist state" in the world after the Israeli parliament passed a new law defining the country as the nation-state of the country. Jewish people. Without leaving any room for doubt about the fact that Israel is the most Zionist, fascist and racist state in the world, "said Erdogan in a speech to his ruling party

. between Hitler's obsession for the Aryan race and Israel's understanding that these ancient lands are meant only for Jews. "

" The spirit of Hitler, who led the world to a great catastrophe, has found his return among some leaders of Israel, "he added.

About six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust by the Nazis during the Second World War.

Legislation, passed after a tumultuous session of the Knesset, makes Hebrew the national language and defines the settlement of Jewish communities as being in the national interest.

Arabic, previously considered an official language, has only received a special status.

The question is the last source of tension between Israel and Turkey, one of the Jews.

Ankara ordered the Israeli ambassador in May to kill protesters along the border with the Gaza Strip.

Tensions threatened a 2016 agreement on the normalization of relations after the crisis unleashed by the May 2010 Erdogan considers itself a champion of Palestinians and recently held two summits of Muslim states to denounce recognition by the United States of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

note that behind the rhetoric, economic ties remain strong, trade being robust and both parties interested in exporting Israeli energy resources to Turkey.

accounts for 17.5 percent of the population of more than eight million Israel. They have long complained of discrimination.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan calls Israel "the most fascist and racist state" in the world

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