Eric Adams asks police officers on leave to bring firearms to the church


Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams announced Sunday that he intended to carry his firearm to the church – and encouraged police on leave to do the same – as a result of the horrible Shooting Saturday's synagogue in Pittsburgh.

"I had the habit of carrying my gun all the time when I was going to church," said the retired police officer turned police officer at a press conference Sunday, according to the video posted on social media. "If we have police in front of the churches, we can not say that it's not good for a police officer who does not have to go to churches with a gun.

"If they leave these guns, I tell them now: Stop leaving your gun at home. Do like me. Bring your gun to the church.

Police said Robert Bowers opened fire inside the synagogue of the Tree of Life on Saturday morning, killing 11 people and wounding two other temple visitors, two policemen and two members of the church. SWAT team.

President Trump said Saturday that armed guards "could have stopped [shooter Robert Bowers] at once."

But Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto warned Sunday against this proposal.

"I think the approach we need to look at is how we take up arms – the common denominator of all mass shootings in the US – from the hands of those who seek to express hatred through murder," he said. Peduto said. press conference.

Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly also questioned the wisdom of armed guards in places of worship during an appearance on the Cats Round Table radio show.

"I do not know the armed guards," Kelly said. "This armed guard could be the first person killed. You had four wounded policemen yesterday. There is no panacea.

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