Eric Reid calls Malcolm Jenkins "sold out" after showdown in Panthers-Eagles game


Prior to Sunday's Panthers-Eagles game, Eric Reid, the Carolina safety officer, entered the field during the draw to give Philadelphia some of her wits, Malcolm Jenkins. After the match, Reid shared some of his thoughts on security with reporters, calling Jenkins "sold-out" who "co-opted" the player protests for "getting funding for his organization."

Reid was referring to the Players Coalition, a group led by Jenkins that reached an agreement in November 2017 for the NFL to contribute approximately $ 90 million to community-driven, player-preferred causes. This quickly had an impact on Reid, who said Jenkins, in exchange for the league's donation, was willing to agree to call for an end to the protests without consulting Reid or Colin Kaepernick, who was then absent. of the NFL since the previous March.

After the Panthers' 21-17 win Sunday in Philadelphia, Reid was asked if his pre-game showdown with Reid was related to their disagreement over the direction of the Players Coalition. "He's a soldier," responded Reid, the first to join Kaepernick, when they were both 49-year-olds, protesting racial injustice and police brutality as they knelt during the national anthem .

Reid remained close to the former quarterback and, like Kaepernick, filed a grievance against the league for what he sees as collusion to keep him unemployed. Unlike the former teammates, Reid was finally hired by the Panthers in late September. He was knelt down during the national anthem, including before Sunday's game, making him one of the few NFL players to do so.

Appellant Jenkins, who stopped raising his fist during the national anthem, a "neocolonialist," Reid said, "I believe Malcolm took advantage of the situation." He co-opted Colin's move to have his organization be financed.

"It's loose, he sold us."

Asked about Reid's remarks, Jenkins told Journalists: "I would never get up here to say anything about someone I know, whose intentions were really to help the community, especially another black man. I will leave it there. "

Jenkins added that he was "happy" that Reid was "back in the league", but otherwise refused to comment further. In the past, Jenkins denied Reid's claims that Kaepernick was deliberately excluded from discussions between the NFL and the Players Coalition.

Redskins cornerback Josh Norman appeared in Jenkins' defense last month, telling Washington Kahns of Kaepernick and Jenkins: "They were not really organized and did not communicate with anyone. . . . [Jenkins] was one of those who had a better plan than what was going on. "

"When [Kaepernick] Took one knee, everyone was in shock and everything, but when the bullets started to ring, I was trying to find out where he was. He dodged, Norman added at the time, but he quickly picked up on these words saying, "I've already said something about [Kaepernick] and it's nothing that I want to demolish what he did or did, not at all. "

"I do not focus on Malcolm every day," Reid said (via "I focus on the fight, the fight of my people. We just met today.

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