Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, sees the Internet division between the United States and China


Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt thinks there will be two versions of the Internet in 10 years, one led by China and the other by the United States.

Schmidt made the comments at a private venture capital event in San Francisco this week, as reported by CNBC.

"I think the most likely scenario is no longer a burst, but rather a bifurcation in a China-led Internet and a non-Chinese internet run by America," said Schmidt. are being built, services are built, the wealth created is phenomenal … If you think of China as "Oh yes, they are good with the Internet," you miss the point. play too. "

Schmidt added that the "danger" that accompanies the innovative products developed in Beijing is that a different leadership regime will emerge within the government, with censorship and controls. He said that other countries could eventually adopt the censored Chinese infrastructure.

China has more than 800 million users, according to government figures, according to the Financial Times.

The Google executive, who held the position of CEO from 2001 to 2011, could have an overview of industry trends. The browser would be supposed to delete some search results.

Google came under fire on Thursday when corporate emails were made public showing that employees discussed changing the search function to foster rhetoric for immigration.

Google said in a statement to FOX Business that none of the ideas had been implemented and that it had never manipulated the search results.

Google did not immediately return FOX Business's request for comment.

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