Eric Schmidt, former director of Google, predicts that the Internet will split into two languages: Chinese and American


The former director of Google predicts that the global Internet will divide in two over the next decade, according to a network led by the United States and another led by China with fewer freedoms and greater censorship, according to CNBC.

Eric Schmidt, who was executive chairman of Google and later his parent company, Alphabet, presented his screenings at a private event held in San Francisco on Wednesday by venture capital firm Global Village, CNBC reported.

Global Village and Google did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

According to Schmidt, people will likely see "fantastic leadership in China's products and services," noting the size of the country's business, the enormous wealth it creates, and the growth in global trade, according to the report. But he acknowledged that the growing economic influence of the country could have political consequences: "With these products and services, there is a real danger that a regime of leadership different from the government, with censorship, controls, etc." CNBC reports.

Mr. Schmidt left his position as Executive Chairman of the Alphabet earlier this year, but remains a member of the Board and Technical Advisor.

His remarks arrive at a precarious moment for Google, as the company plans a return to the Chinese market and draws criticism from its own employees and lawmakers for its supposed willingness to cooperate with Chinese censorship checks.

Last month, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said at an all-round meeting that the company plans to re-enter China, according to Bloomberg News, but the developers were unable to finalize a search. product.

Pichai's address to the company came after Intercept revealed that Google was considering developing a government-standard search engine that would prevent Chinese users from accessing certain websites and using the search queries listed on Google's website. the blacklist of Beijing.

A bipartisan group of six US senators last month wrote a letter to Pichai describing Google's potential return to China as "deeply troubling," noting China's repressive surveillance regime and human rights abuses. Google employees also protested against these projects. According to the New York Times, more than 1,400 workers signed an internal letter, calling on the company to create a monitoring process to evaluate the Chinese project and other projects that "raise urgent ethical and ethical issues."

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