EU worries for continued detention of activists in Turkey


ANKARA, Turkey – The EU's foreign policy chief on Thursday expressed "deep concern" over the detention of many academics and activists in Turkey.

Federica Mogherini also called for the release of the former head of the Kurdish Turkish party, in line with the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights this week.

Mogherini and Johannes Hahn, responsible for the future enlargement of the European Union, were in Ankara to discuss Turkey's long-stalled candidacy and foreign policy issues of common interest, including US sanctions against Iran, the refugee crisis and the situation in Syria.

Their visit comes days after Turkey arrested a group of academics and activists who allegedly supported anti-government demonstrations in 2013.

It also follows a statement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Turkey would not respect the European Court's decision to release Selahattin Demirtas, citing his lengthy pre-trial detention. Erdogan's comments have deepened concerns about human rights and the rule of law in Turkey, despite the country's commitment this summer to initiate reforms to revive the application for membership.

"A strong Turkey means a democratic Turkey," said Mogherini at a joint press conference with Hahn and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. "We have expressed our deep concern over the detention of several academics and representatives of civil society, including recently."

"We believe that it is in the interest of Turkey to follow up on the decisions (of the European Court of Human Rights)," she added.

Turkey insists that a wave of detentions that intensifies after a failed coup attempt in 2016 is a necessary part of the country's struggle against extremist groups and frequently accuses EU not to support Turkey.

"We have the natural right to expect concrete support from the European Union in our fight against terrorism," said Cavusoglu. "It does not make sense for the EU to defend people who have taken action to overthrow the elected government in Turkey simply because they are members of civil society."

Turkey started its accession negotiations to the European Union in 2005, but the talks ended because of the opposition of some nations to Turkey's accession and concerns about the rapid decline of democracy and human rights in the country.

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