Europe and Iran set up oil-for-goods plan to circumvent US sanctions


Diplomats study a plan to barter Iranian oil for European goods across Russia, as part of a mechanism to circumvent US sanctions against the Islamic Republic, L & # 39; Independent can reveal.

Diplomats view the proposal as an idea: Iran would sell its oil to Russia, which would then refine it and sell it in Europe. Companies in Europe could then transfer goods and services to Iran while circumventing US restrictions on trade with Iran.

For now, the banking mechanism – announced by Europe, China and Russia on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly this week – remains a work in progress, a symbolic show of support for Iran and a slapped the Trump administration for a week he was planning to present his anti-Iranian program.

But experts say it could evolve in the medium term, becoming an alternative mechanism for trade with Iran despite the restrictions imposed by the United States in November, thus saving the joint Global Action Plan, the nuclear deal established by Iran and the world powers. in 2015. Discussions on the mechanism are a sign of changing diplomatic winds.

"What is certain now is that thanks to Donald Trump's policy, Europe is working more closely now with China and Russia," said a Western diplomat. L & # 39; Independent.

The UN Security Council on Wednesday became the last point of confrontation between supporters of Iran and the Trump administration. Washington is trying to pressure Tehran to meet its demands on limiting its missile program, neutralizing its entire nuclear infrastructure and limiting the militias it has trained, armed or deployed throughout the region .

"I call on all members of the Security Council to work with the United States to ensure that the Iranian regime changes its behavior and never gets a nuclear bomb," warned Mr. Trump, warning " serious consequences "for any nation sanctions to impose on Iran as of November 4.

Trump withdrew the United States from the JCPOA in May, saying he wanted a better deal that included Iran's other activities, but he also showed contempt for the UN's ways and the standards of the United Nations. international diplomacy.

"The objective of the JCPOA was that it was not a bilateral agreement," said Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini, a UN advisor and Iran expert. It was a Security Council resolution. The sanctions process and the lifting of sanctions have their origin in the Security Council. "

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Analysts and diplomats said Wednesday's Security Council meeting highlighted the US's isolation after its withdrawal from the deal and what an intermediary had called its "demonization" of Iran .

"One member after another came out in favor of the nuclear deal, and even those who expressed concern about Iran, their message was clear: although Iran is part of the problem in the region, they must be part of the solution. " Ali Vaez, Iranian researcher at Crisis Group. "The maximalism of the Trump administration has isolated it."

Many world leaders are also discouraged by the tone of the Trump team, which some see as a form of intimidation and insults, and its sense of giving in to US conservative pressure groups linked to wealthy anti-Iran donors. At a conference held Tuesday by an anti-Iran think tank, John Bolton, Trump's national security advisor, gave a fiery speech, warning that "Iran was crossing" the United States.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Mr. Rouhani downplayed this bellicose rhetoric. "In this American administration, unfortunately, the language was considered somewhat unique," he said. "They speak with a different style, probably because they're new to politics."

"There are no sanctions that the United States could impose in the future because they have already imposed all kinds of sanctions," he said. "There is nothing new to impose in November."

M. Vaez a décrit un réchauffement de la rhétorique des États-Unis sans stratégie claire. Lors de la réunion du Conseil de sécurité, par exemple, il a déclaré que Trump avait également réprimandé la Chine, l’accusant de s’ingérer dans les élections américaines. La Chine est le plus gros client du pétrole iranien et a le poids économique d’ignorer les sanctions américaines.

"La Chine peut faire ou défaire les sanctions américaines contre l'Iran ou la Corée du Nord", a déclaré M. Vaez. «Il a un énorme effet de levier sur ces pays et continue d’ignorer les sanctions unilatérales pour fournir à l’Iran une bouée de sauvetage importante.

Le président iranien, Hassan Rouhani, n’a pas été invité à assister à la réunion du Conseil de sécurité. Il a rejeté l’affirmation selon laquelle M. Trump aurait refusé de le rencontrer, notant qu’il avait évité les demandes du président américain de se réunir lors de la réunion de l’Assemblée générale de l’année dernière. Lors d'une conférence de presse mardi, M. Rouhani a qualifié la menace de sanctions accrues de "propagande" des Etats-Unis.

Lors de la conférence de presse, M. Rouhani a remercié le Conseil de sécurité – à l'exception des États-Unis – pour son soutien à la JCPOA et a déclaré que son pays ne cherchait pas la confrontation. "Ils ont encore une fois soutenu le JCPOA et l'Iran et ont ainsi soutenu tous ceux qui croient en l'état de droit", a-t-il déclaré à la presse. «Nous ne souhaitons pas faire la guerre aux forces américaines dans la région».

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