Europe must reduce immigration flows to end right-wing populism


HIllary Clinton believes that European leaders must find ways to limit the flow of immigration, because inaction on the continent fueled right-wing populism.

"I think Europe has to master the migrations because that's what ignited the flame," Clinton told The Guardian in an interview published Thursday.

"I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches adopted especially by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it's fair to say that Europe has done its part and needs to send a message very clear: we will not be able to continue to provide shelter and support – because if we do not deal with the issue of migration, it will continue to shake the body politic, "she said.

Europe is in the grip of a migratory crisis, partly caused by political upheavals in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia since 2015.

Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate for 2016, said Thursday that the problem helped propel Donald Trump, his Republican opponent, to the White House. The Trump administration continues to exploit "its legacy, its identity, its national unity" to reinforce immigration "as a symbol of government gone wrong."

Clinton has pitched former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon for his role in promoting the anti-immigration agenda, comparing him to a Roman emperor for his "bread and circus" approach to boost Trump's base. She also said that the Trump-Bannon version of populism accords with "a psychological as well as political aspiration to be told what to do, where to go and how to live".

"Make people turn away, appeal to their prejudices, make them feel part of something bigger than themselves, while elected leaders and business leaders steal them. blind, "she said. "It's a classic story and Bannon is the latest avatar."

Clinton has continued to sharply criticize Trump since his defeat by joining some Democrats seeking a position in the mid-term elections of 2018 in the election campaign.

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