
Smoke from the Silver Creek Fire (Credit: CBS)
KREMMLING, Colo. (CBS4) – Mandatory evacuations were ordered Friday afternoon for some people living near the Silver Creek fires near Kremmling in Grand County.
The fire is declared again on Friday. Firefighters say it's now almost twice as big as last month.
Authorities said the fire jumped Wednesday on the containment lines and had moved about 5 miles from Highway 40.
The increase in fire and winds forced the evacuation of all Old Lakes Park and Gore Lakes. No vehicles will be allowed until further notice.

Smoke from the Silver Creek Fire (Credit: CBS)
The authorities are asking all those in the evacuation area to collect important documents, medicines and pets and leave immediately.
The Kremmling fairground hosts larger vehicles and trailers and will accommodate a small number of animals. Those bringing animals to the fairgrounds are welcome to enter the 10th and the Railway (SW corner) due to the displacement of Type 2 team equipment.
Up to now, this fire has burned more than 9,400 acres. It is 53% content.
A warning about the smoke was sent to nearby Grand County due to the fire.
"The Silver Creek fire has intensified and produced heavy smoke in western Grand County. The rural areas north of Kremmling will be the hardest hit and, with the active fire activity expected today, we anticipate smoke impacts at least on Friday morning, "wrote the Grand County Sheriff's Office on Facebook.
Wildfire Resources
– Visit the Colorado Wildfire section of CBSDenver.com.
Wildfire Photo Galleries
– See pictures of the most destructive fires (Black Forest, Waldo Canyon, High Park and Fourmile), the deadliest (Storm King) and the largest forest fire (Hayman) in Colorado history.
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