Even an hour of projection can affect the mental health of 2-year-olds: study


Children and adolescents may have less curiosity, less self-control and emotional stability, according to a study of more than 40,000 children aged 2 to 17

Half of mental health problems develop in adolescence. Credit: Getty Images
Half of mental health problems develop in adolescence. Credit: Getty Images

Although it is known that half of mental health problems develop before adolescence, a new study indicates that the damage can begin as early as the age of two years.

Posted in the journal Preventive medicine reports, scientists analyzed data from more than 40,000 children aged 2 to 17 in the United States, provided by parents as part of a national health survey conducted in 2016. The study is important because % of the world's population are teenagers. Nearly 243 million adolescents live in India.

According to the study, after only one hour of screening, children and adolescents may have less curiosity, less self-control and less emotional stability. This can lead to an increased risk of anxiety and depression. People aged 14 to 17 are more at risk of such side effects, but correlations also exist in younger children and toddlers. The study found that kindergarten children, who frequently used screens, were twice as likely to lose their temper.

More time on the screen corresponded with less curiosity to learn things. While only 9% of 11-to-13-year-olds, who spent an hour a day on screens, were not curious to learn new things, this figure was 22.6% for those whose projection time was seven hours a day or more. The US-based National Institute of Health says kids spend an average of five to seven hours on screens, but in India, there is no consistent data on teenagers' use of smartphones. toddlers.

According to a study published in the International Journal of Preventive MedicineIn India, an average person checks his phone every 6.30 minutes during a 16-hour waking cycle. A recent Indian poll found that 95% of children lived in homes with a cell phone, while 73% of them used a cell phone, said the president. IJPM study. Among them, 70% belong to the age group of 7 to 10 years and 76% of the group of 11 to 14 years.

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