Even CNN thought the SNL scan on the old Navy Seal was a total waste


Weekend Update is the cornerstone of Saturday Night Live. Yet again, we have an example of liberal poles bursting with hatred against people who do not like them. Plus, the Liberals do not know what humor is, and SNL has been incredibly inconsistent for many seasons, but it's a different question.

Whatever the case may be, the segment parodies current events. It was a precursor to shows like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report (when it was still on Comedy Central), but it took a disastrous turn when the cast member of the cast, Pete Davidson, is mocked at the Texas GOP candidate and the former Navy SEAL, Dan Crenshaw, stating: "Be surprised to learn that he is a candidate for the Texas Congress and not a hitman in a porn movie. I'm sorry, I know he lost an eye to the war or anything. "

Yeah, that was stupid. And even CNN thought the joke was out of place, disgusting, and totally disrespectful to our wounded warriors and veterans.

As Beth noted, Crenshaw responded with class:

At the same time, thank you again for adding another reason to never respect or listen to a Liberal's point of view on anything … ever. When you crush veterans, expect to be inflamed, which will be particularly painful for Davidson, who was burned by this skit … and Ariana Grande.

Anyway, thank you for your service, Mr. Crenshaw. Also, vote Republican tomorrow, people.

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