Even more bad news for users of artificial sweeteners


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According to a new article published in the newspaper, artificial sweeteners and sports supplements approved by the FDA were toxic for intestinal digestive microbes. molecules by researchers from the Ben Gurion Negav University (BGU) in Israel and the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

The collaborative study showed the relative toxicity of six artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, neotame, advantame and acesulfame potassium-k) and 10 sports supplements containing these artificial sweeteners. Bacteria present in the digestive system have become toxic when exposed to concentrations of only 1 mg / ml. artificial sweeteners.

"We modified bioluminescent E. coli Bacteria, which light up when they detect toxic substances and act as a representative detection model of the complex microbial system, "says Prof. Ariel Kushmaro, John A. Ungar Chair in Biotechnology, Department of Biotechnology Engineering. Avram and Stella Goldstein-Goren. This is further evidence that the consumption of artificial sweeteners negatively affects intestinal microbial activity that can cause a wide range of health problems.

Artificial sweeteners are used in countless non-alcoholic foods and soft drinks with reduced sugar content. Many people consume this added ingredient without their knowledge. In addition, artificial sweeteners have been identified as emerging environmental pollutants and can be found in aquifers of drinking water, surface water and groundwater.

"The results of this study could help to understand the relative toxicity of artificial sweeteners and the potential negative effects on the microbial community of the intestine and on the environment.

In addition, the bioluminescent bacterial panel tested can potentially be used to detect artificial sweeteners in the environment, "says Professor Kushmaro.

Explore more:
Why calorie-free sweeteners can still lead to diabetes, obesity

More information:
Dorin Harpaz et al., Measurement of the toxicity of artificial sweeteners with the aid of a bioluminescent bacterial panel, molecules (2018). DOI: 10.3390 / molecules23102454

Provided by:
American Associates, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

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