Ex-Google employee urges lawmakers to engage in business


SAN FRANCISCO – Google is facing increased scrutiny by lawmakers in Washington on its size and influence. Now, a researcher who recently resigned from the company in protest is urging them.

In a rough letter sent this week, former employee Jack Poulson criticized Google's treatment of a plan to build a version of its search engine acceptable to the Chinese government. He said the project was a "catastrophic failure of the process of internal confidentiality review".

He said lawmakers should increase transparency and oversight of the technology company and industry, saying there is a "vast process of inexplicable decision-making".

Dr. Poulson left the company after press articles revealed the existence of the project last month. It was first reported by the information website The Intercept.

Google Privacy Officer Keith Enright is expected to testify Wednesday before a congressional committee on the company's approach to data protection. Legislators will also hear testimony from Apple, AT & T, Amazon, Twitter and Charter Communications.

Dr. Poulson said the Chinese project, called Dragonfly, had several "disruptive components". A prototype, he said, would allow a company with which Google would partner in China to display a person's search history based on his phone number. He added that the project also censored a long list of topics including information on air quality and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

He also drew the attention of lawmakers to the commitments made by Google under an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission in 2011. Google must, among other things, submit to regular confidentiality audits and follow a full program confidentiality. The privacy program includes reviews of all Google products for privacy issues prior to their release.

Google's privacy verifiers are responsible for analyzing the Google code and ensuring that it does not violate the privacy of users. But after the release of Dragonfly, several critics said they signed sections of code for Dragonfly without understanding the project or its implications for privacy, according to two people familiar with the process. People would only speak under the guise of anonymity to protect their relationship with the company.

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