Ex-Mistress has long accused RNC leader Elliott Broidy of physical manifestations, sexual abuse and complaints


Shera Bechard, a former Playboy player who has had a four-year affair with former Republican National Committee vice-president Elliott Broidy, claims to have subjected her to physical and sexual violence and leniency. have exposed to herpes. These allegations are in a complaint that remains sealed by a court order in a lawsuit filed by Bechard, arguing that Broidy has stopped making payments for a $ 1.6 million deal.

The complaint contains important allegations regarding Broidy's sexual and medical history and his relationship with President Donald Trump. Bechard says that Broidy called the president "an idiot, who could not even pronounce the names of countries correctly," but that Broidy "admired Trump's worrying ability to sexually abuse women and get away with it. "

Bechard also alleges that Broidy was emotionally violent and told her that she could not go out with other men and that he wanted her to be financially dependent on him. She also says in the complaint that Broidy told her that she was "fat and needed to fix it" and pushed her to undergo liposuction.

Broidy's lawyers told the court that the partially detailed allegations in this story had to be removed from the complaint because they were irrelevant to the trial and related to Broidy's medical and personal health information.

In a statement sent to HuffPost, Broidy said:

"This person tried to pull me out of the money by making false, malicious and disgusting allegations. I admitted that I made the mistake of having an affair and I entered into a confidential agreement to protect the privacy of my family. I honored my agreement until her attorney raped her – and then, when I failed to pay her claims, she did what the teachers do. singers and went public with his lies. I will vigorously defend myself against these false and defamatory allegations and I will seek all the relief I have under the settlement agreement against her and her lawyers. "

A spokesman for Stris & Maher, the company representing Mr. Bechard, said in a statement Friday: "Elliott Broidy continues to cruelly attack our client, Shera Bechard, in the press – this time because A judge ruled his legal arguments because his own lawyers did not do their job. We will not be intimidated as we strive to defend the rights of our clients. "

Bechard met Broidy, a Republican investor and donor, in a Californian restaurant in 2013, and they had an extra-marital affair (Broidy is married) during which Broidy financially supported Bechard.

Broidy is also the subject of a criminal investigation conducted by the Department of Justice. L & # 39; investigation according to the Washington Post, focuses on Broidy's commercial activities with foreign officials and whether he seeks to sell "US government shares … in exchange for tens of millions of dollars."

This article has been updated with a statement by Shera Bechard's legal representatives.

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