Ex-Nasa Researcher Alien Claims Cover Up By Different Governments


According to a physics professor working with the University of Albany, and a former employee of government space agency NASA, many governments around the world have enough evidence about UFOs and aliens, but they have never shared that with the general population.

He further added that the secret and neglect of evidence presented by different sources

Although, since 2008, many countries like France, Denmark, Brazil, Ecuador, New Zealand, Canada, UK, Russia, and Sweden have declassified some of the UFO-related files from the past.

Are we alone in the Universe?

There is no doubt about it. Well known Stephen Hawking had also mentioned, that, given the large size of the cosmos, it is highly unlikely for the earth to be the only planet with intelligent life forms.

On the other hand, if we are not alone and there are more powerful civilizations out there in the space, while it is quite exciting, it also poses a great threat for us.

The former NASA scientist who reported this information to the Daily Mail also mentioned an incident that took place during a NASA Contact Conference in 2002, he said that when questions were raised about the existence of aliens , one of the participants, when asked about their existence, shouted in a loud tone that most of the people are out there.

His unseen-like, apparently surprisingly, no one else was present in the conference, he was a complete silence and nobody dared to talk about the truth.

It is normal for humans to be afraid of the existence of technologically advanced and superior breeds visiting the Earth, if they come with wrong intentions, there is nothing, that we can with our current technology can do to fight them back.

We should be thankful for the vast difference between different stars, for it is this wide distance that can keep aliens from reaching the Earth, for there is a high probability of being at the other planet in the universe.

There are more than 300 billion stars in the galaxy, even if we take a very low percentage, even then there is a high probability for the presence of intelligent life on multiple planets. And there are very high chances that some of them must be millions of years ahead of us in technology terms.

If we look at our space achievements during the last 50 years, we can only imagine what race is possible in the millions of years, there is a high probability for the human race to find another livable planets and colonize them in the coming future.

UFOs sightings have always been declined by governments around the world, they have always been presented to the public. If the governments share more information and reveal some of their secrets it will discourage pseudoscientists who spread false conspiracy theories.

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