Ex-Trump official admits to having discussed Russia's contacts with Michael Flynn


Former Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. MacFarland reportedly told investigators that she "may" have discussed contacts with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak with Michael Flynn, Donald Trump's first national security advisor.

According to Washington PostMacFarland has reviewed his previous statement to Special Adviser Robert Mueller, denying ever having discussed with Flynn his conversations about Russian sanctions with Kislyak in 2016 before Trump's inauguration.

She now says he "may have hinted at sanctions" in a conversation with the former national security advisor, sources close to the case said. To post.

Flynn – who pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lie to the FBI – told Mueller that another senior Trump transition official had been involved in his conversations with Kislyak during the transition, and press reports identified the official as MacFarland.

His apparent involvement in the secret sanctions discussions forced him to withdraw his appointment to be ambassador to Singapore in February.

According to To post, his contradictory account of his knowledge of Flynn-Kislyak contacts put him at legal risk with Mueller.

Flynn was part of the Trump campaign and transition team, and was Trump's first national security advisor.

But he was forced to resign of this post less than a month after taking office as Trump's chairman for his contacts with Kislyak, and he became one of the most scrutinized partners in the investigation in Russia.

He pleaded guilty to Mueller in December and has been cooperating with the special advocate since then.

Trump said the Flynn's treatment by the FBI was "unfair" and defended his actions as "lawful."

"There was nothing to hide!", Tweeted Trump in December.

Flynn and Kislyak had discussed the lifting of sanctions against Russia that President Barack Obama of then had launched against Moscow for its interference in the elections of 2016.

The contacts were a key part of Mueller's investigation into a possible conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. In addition, Trump apparent attempt to convince FBI director James Comey to kill the Flynn investigation was a major episode in Mueller's investigation into a possible obstruction of justice by the president.

Flynn is should be doomed in December.

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