Excellent views of earth tectonics


Scientists from the German University of Kiel and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) used the knowledge of the Ecology Agency (ESA), the gravity field and the GOCE mission ( Ocean Circulation Someone in the Stationary State) to unveil the main geological options of the Earth Geosphere – the rigid outer layer environment that has the crust and therefore the layer.

Published in the journal Scientific Reports, this study could constitute a discovery in the quest for the structure and framework of the knowledge of the gravity of satellite processing on several continents, as well as the Antarctic continent, the smallest piece of tectonic puzzle to complete plates.

Satellite gravity is an alternative tool for connecting the isolated and ice-covered continent to the rest of the world. This enhances our understanding of the deep structure of Antarctica, which is particularly necessary because the properties of its geosphere can also affect the superimposed ice sheets.

GOCE measures the variations of the horizontal and vertical elements of the gravity field, called gradients. Since these gradients are complicated to interpret, the authors have combined them to provide less complex "curvature images", which reveal very clearly the large-scale tectonic options of the world.

Lead author Professor Jorg of Kiel University said, "Our new satellite gradient images are improving our data on the Earth's deep structure, and knowledge of the gravity of the satellite will be combined with knowledge of the Geophysics to provide many consistent images of the crust and layers 3D is often crucial for understanding the interactions between morphology and deep mantle dynamics. "

Investigation and author of the study, said that Fausto Ferraccioli, scientific leader of the Earth Science and Geology in Antarctic country.

"The gravity of the satellites is revolutionizing our ability to check the geosphere of the entire Earth, as well as its least-understood continent, the Antarctic.For example, on the eastern Antarctic continent, we tend to begin to visualize many complicated mosaics from the old provinces of the geosphere.

"GOCE shows basic similarities with North American countries, but also surprising variations between its geosphere and alternative continents, to that to which it had been joined until one hundred and sixty million years ago. ".

The new study presents a reading of the Earth's crust and continental layer, a model that is not previously feasible, but is abused. The authors noted that, despite their similar unstable characteristics, there are contrasts in the gravity signatures of the ancient components of the geosphere (known as cratons), indicating variations in their deep structure and composition. These options are necessary. As a result, they exploit the oldest nuclei of the geosphere and hold key records of the Earth's earliest history.

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