EXCLUSIVE: Michael Cohen says family and country, not President Trump, is his "first loyalty"


Michael Cohen – long-time personal advocate of President Donald Trump and former executive vice president of the Trump organization – has always insisted that he would remain loyal to the president.

He was the guy on the lookout, the pit bull so fiercely protective of his boss that he was once described as "the guy who would take a bullet" for the president.

But in his first in-depth interview since the FBI attacked his office and homes in April, Cohen has clearly signaled his willingness to cooperate with Special Advocate Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York – even if it puts President Trump in danger.

"My wife, daughter, and son have my first loyalty and will always do it," Cohen told me. "I put the family and the country first."

We talked for 45 minutes Saturday night at a Manhattan hotel where Cohen has been living for several months. And during this time, the question of whether Cohen could tip over the president has been the subject of intense speculation.

  PHOTO: ABC News George Stephanopoulos interview Michael Cohen, who was formerly a lawyer for President Donald Trump ABC News
ABC News's George Stephanopoulos interview Michael Cohen, who was formerly a lawyer for the President Donald Trump.

Even the president insisted tweeting in April that "most people will turn around if the government lets them out of trouble, even if it means lying or inventing stories. Sorry, I do not see Michael doing that. "

He described Cohen as a "good person with a wonderful family".

But Cohen did not congratulate the president during our conversation – and disagreed with Trump's criticism of the federal investigations.

When I asked Cohen directly what he would do if prosecutors forced him to choose between protecting the president and protecting his family, he said his family was "my first priority ".

Cohen added: "Once I understand what charges may be brought against me, if any, I will hand over to my new counsel, Guy Petrillo, for advice."

But when I pointed out to Cohen that he was not repeating his vows from the past to "take a bullet" and "do something" to protect the president, the long-time Trump loyalist left little doubt about his current position. "To be clear, my wife, my daughter and my son, and this country have my first loyalty."

Cohen recently retained Petrillo, a former, highly respected federal prosecutor who once ran the US Attorney's Office's Criminal Division in Manhattan – the same office that is currently conducting the criminal investigation into Cohen.

  PHOTO: President Donald Trump waits to greet King Abdullah II of Jordan and Rania Al-Abdullah, Queen of Jordan, unrepresented, at the South Gate of the White House in Washington, DC, June 25, 2018. Andrew Harrer / Bloomberg via Getty Images
President Donald Trump waits for King Abdullah II of Jordan and Rania Al-Abdullah, Queen of Jordan, unrepresented, at the southern portico of the White House in Washington, DC, on June 25, 2018. [19659019] Petrillo is expected to take over as Cohen's lead counsel in the coming days. And Cohen says his decision to cooperate will not be based on previous loyalty to Trump – but on Petrillo's legal advice.

Once Petrillo fully assumes his role, a joint defense agreement that Cohen shared with the president, which allowed their lawyers to share information and documents, will end, ABC News learned.

At that time, the legal interests of the President of the United States and his long-standing personal attorney could quickly become contradictory.

When I asked Cohen how he could react if the president or his legal team came after him – to try to discredit him and the work that he did for Mr. Trump during the last decade – he has recovered. His voice has gained strength.

"I will not be a punching ball as part of anyone's defense strategy," he said emphatically. "I'm not a bad guy in this story, and I will not allow others to try to portray me that way."

District attorneys in the southern New York District are investigating Cohen for alleged violations of the electoral law and possible financial crimes associated with his personal business dealings.

He was not charged with any crime. But on the advice of his lawyer, Cohen refused to answer specific questions about the issues being investigated.

  ABC News George Stephanopoulos Interviewing Michael Cohen, Former President Donald Trump's Advocate ABC News
ABC News "George Stephanopoulos Interviewing Michael Cohen, Former President Donald Trump's Advocate.]" I respect the prosecutors. I respect the process, "said Cohen." I would not do or say anything that might be perceived as interfering with their professional examination of the evidence and the facts. "

A topic prosecutors are likely to explore: Cohen's payment of $ 130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, less than two weeks before the 2016 election, in exchange for her silence – a possible violation of funding of the law campaign.

I asked Cohen if the president had ordered him to make that payment or he had promised to pay him back. In the past, Cohen said that he acted on his own initiative.

Not this time.

"I want to answer, one day I will answer," he said. "But for the moment, I can not comment further on the advice of my lawyer."

On the matter after the other, Cohen however, separated from President Trump – starting with the president's criticisms of how the government conducted his investigation.

  PHOTO: ABC News George Stephanopoulos Interviewing Michael Cohen, Former President Donald Trump's Advocate ABC News
ABC News's George Stephanopoulos Interviewing Michael Cohen, Former President Donald Trump's Advocate.

After federal agents searched Cohen's property in New York, Trump described the raid as a break-in, an "attack on our country, in a real sense." It's an attack on what we're all defending . "

"I do not agree with those who demonize or vilify the FBI, I respect the FBI as an institution, as well as their agents," Cohen told me. they searched my hotel room and my house, it was obviously upsetting to me and my family. Nevertheless, the agents were respectful, courteous and professional. I thanked them for their service and as they left, we shook hands. "

Cohen also declined to criticize the Mueller investigation.

"I do not like the term witch hunt," he said, adding that he had condemned Russia for interfering in the 2016 elections.

"As an American, I repudiate the attempt of Russia or any other foreign government to intervene or interfere in our democratic process, and I call on all Americans to make likewise, "he said.

In a direct rebuttal to President Trump, who sent a tweet last week reiterating Vladimir Putin's assertion that Russia does not intervene in our election, Cohen added: "Just accept the Mr. Putin's denial is unsustainable. "

  PHOTO: In this June 21, 2017 photo of the case, special advocate Robert Mueller leaves after a closed meeting with members of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate on the interference of Russia in the elections of the Capitol in Washington. Scott Applewhite / AP Photo
In this June 21, 2017 photo of the case, special advocate Robert Mueller leaves after a closed meeting with members of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate on the interference Russian in Capitol elections in Washington [19659019] "I respect the intelligence agencies of our nation" … unanimous conclusions, "he said.

Cohen also reiterated his previous refusals of any personal involvement in Russian attempts to interfere in our election, stating that he has never been to Prague, as alleged in the Steele case, and never plotted with the Russians.

Although he has not yet been interviewed by the Mueller team, he says that he has provided documents and added that he would cooperate fully with them. just as he says that he has with the Senate and House committees to investigate the matter.

"I appeared under oath before the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives for more than six hours and before the Special Senate Committee on Intelligence for more than eight hours," he said.

Cohen believes that Mueller will find no evidence that he has had illegal or inappropriate relations with the Russians.

  PHOTO: ABC News George Stephanopoulos Interviewing Michael Cohen, Former President Donald Trump's Advocate ABC News
ABC News "George Stephanopoulos Interviewing Michael Cohen, Former President Donald Trump's Advocate."

But Cohen Criticized the members of the Trump campaign who participated in this infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016 with several Russians after being promised to Hillary Clinton.

"I think it was a mistake on the part of those in the Trump campaign who participated," he said. "It was just an example of bad judgment."

When I asked Cohen if President Trump was aware of this meeting before that happened, he refused to answer.

"I can not comment under the advice of my lawyer because of the ongoing investigation by the US Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York," Cohen said.

After months of silence, Cohen seemed relieved to tell more of his story. He visibly relaxed during the interview after having said – with a little clarity – that the past year has been "difficult, upsetting and unpleasant".

  ABC News George Stephanopoulos Interviewing Michael Cohen, Former President Donald Trump's Advocate ABC News
ABC News "George Stephanopoulos Interviewing Michael Cohen, Former President Donald Trump's Counsel

] When I told him asked if he had any regrets about how he dealt with one of the questions being investigated, he said: "As a lawyer and a employee, I tried to make good faith judgments in the past. I also admit that I am not perfect. I would prefer not to be in this situation at all, obviously. "

This interview, he hopes, will be a first step towards his ultimate goal: "Resolution".

"I want to find my name, my reputation and my life," he said.

Jim Hill, Eliana Larramendia, and ABC News Specialized Units contributed to this report.

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