Exercise Can Help Cancer Survivors In Children To Live Longer


By Lisa Rapaport

(Reuters Health) – Childhood cancer survivors who do a lot of vigorous exercise can live longer than their counterparts who are not very active, a recent study suggests. [Traduction] "In cancer survivors, cancer treatment causes an accelerated aging process," which can lead to premature death, said author Lee Jones, chief of the oncology department at the Memorial Center Sloan Kettering in New York. York City.

Thus, the results showing that exercise can lessen or slow down this process are not only new, but of crucial importance to patients since exercise is an intervention that they can do now, "said Jones by email

the frequency, intensity, and duration of physical activity of 15,450 adults treated in the United States and Canada between 1970 and 1999. At when half of the participants had been followed for 9.6 years, 1,063 of the entire group had died.


At the beginning of the study, half of the cancer survivors were at least 26.

Researchers asked study participants how often they exercised and how intensively they did Next, the study team noted the stress levels and intensity of the participants on the basis of one me sure known as metabolic equivalent of the task (MET) per week.

After 15 years, the mortality rate was almost 12 percent for those who did not exercise.

Persons who met 3 to 6 hours MET per week had a mortality rate of 8.6% at 15 years, while participants who managed 9 to 12 MET hours a week had a mortality rate of 7.4 %. The mortality rate was 8% for those who reached MET 15-21 per week.

Increased exercise levels over time seemed to increase the chances of survival, the researchers report in JAMA Oncology.


Of a subset of 5,689 survivors, inactive individuals who increased exercise by about 8 hours MET per week on average over an eight-year period were 40% less likely to die during the period of study than the remaining participants. always inactive.

It is possible that exercise benefits cancer survivors in the same way that it helps other people – by promoting a healthy heart, Jones said.

"The primary risk of premature death among childhood cancer survivors is cardiovascular disease," noted Jones. "Exercise can lessen the development or progression of cardiovascular disease in any way it does in the general population."

Among other things, vigorous, regular exercise can help strengthen the immune system and help control blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.

However, the study was not a controlled experiment designed to prove whether or how exercise could directly increase longevity for childhood cancer survivors.


Another limitation of the study is its reliance on survey participants to accurately report the frequency and intensity of any exercise. In addition, she excluded some of the sickest cancer survivors who died before the start of the study or before they could complete follow-up questionnaires about their exercise habits. "These data confirm and extend to cancer survivors our extensive medical and research experience that has shown that people who exercise generally live longer and better," said Dr. Venkatesh Murthy, researcher at the University of Toronto. 39, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. was not involved in the study.

"What is less clear from the study, is how much exercise is needed or how to implement the best programs to encourage exercise during and after cancer treatment, "Murthy said via email.

Still, it makes sense for cancer survivors to do as much exercise as possible.

"Exercise has positive effects on many parts of the body, including muscles, bones, blood vessels, and heart and lung function," said Murthy. "It can also improve the mood and promote overall well-being."


SOURCE: http://bit.ly/2lJi3vP JAMA Oncology, Online June 3, 2018.

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