Exercise, the most precious meditation in proper moderation – Entertainment & Life – seacoastonline.com


By Jerry Romansky

Dear Jerry, after doing sports at the university, I became lazy and stopped doing exercise. Recently, as a young man of average age, I started a decent fitness routine and I even added a daily meditation. My wife is still in great shape and has had an excellent influence.

By observing the people around me, I notice that most of them are in poor physical shape and are overweight. At the opposite extreme, there are people who apparently spend all day doing exercise or meditation. Some members of my health club are present at each visit. As my schedule is totally inconsistent, these guys have to be there four times a day and do nothing else with their free time. I've also met people who spend most of the day meditating.

Having enjoyed your columns on exercise, meditation and hundreds of other topics, I would love to hear your opinion. Even when someone has too much time, is it really worth spending a large part of the day on exercise or meditation?

Tom G., Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dear Tom:

Instead of answering "yes" or "no," I will answer in the form of a test.

For the record, I am a strong advocate of daily exercises and daily meditation. It also means nearly 365 days a year as possible. During a leap year, it would be 366 days a year.

Let's start with the exercise. The ideal type of fitness is open to personal preferences (and, of course, to health considerations). For me, exercise includes swimming, running, cycling, weight training and abdominal exercises all year round. For almost everyone, fitness is best accomplished through the types of exercises that we like or, at least, to the types of exercises that we do not like not. Some people may need a fitness trainer. Some work best in an exercise class or in a health club. Some, like me, exercise independently.

Practically speaking, meditation is similar. The ideal type of meditation is open to personal preferences. For almost everyone, meditation is best accomplished by a comfortable type. Some people may need a meditation counselor. Some work best in a meditation class. Some may read a meditation book and be disciplined enough to meditate diligently. For me, daily meditation began several decades ago with a class; it continues, independently and effectively, with my original "mantra".

About exercise and meditation, there are literally millions of pounds. Public libraries, local bookstores and online resources are appropriate places to start. It is usually helpful to converse with people who practice and meditate successfully.

To answer Tom's specific question, here is my opinion. Exercise and meditation are very valuable in proper moderation. Unless full-time occupation involves physical activity or meditation, practicing it all day can be almost counterproductive. If the ultimate goal is an improved life, exercise and meditation are not the ultimate goal. These are steps towards that goal.

Jerry Romansky is a syndicated columnist. Readers are invited to write in English or Spanish: Ask Jerry, Post Office Box 42444, Washington DC 20015. E-mail [email protected] and (due to a spam situation) write the name of your newspaper in his subject. The issues of popular interest are dealt with in the column. Unpublished letters can not be answered individually.

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