Expanding as ever, the space is huge; Milky Way is just a small point there


  First image of TESS


The size is relative. A cat is smaller compared to a human and gigantic compared to an ant. You could say that a human is like an ant compared to the size of the universe; because it's gargantuan? Well, we all know it's great, but are we sure of the size? There is no point of reference to describe the size of the space.

Recently, scientists have revealed a certain context about the size of the Milky Way. Trying to calculate the size of our galaxy at home in any terrestrial measurement unit is absolutely insignificant because the numbers would be extremely large. So how do astronomers decide distances between planets or other space objects? Well, astronomers use light years to understand things in space.

Previously, it was estimated that the size of the Milky Way was between 100,000 and 160,000 light-years. However, now a recent research shows that the old estimate was too small. Using the latest data, scientists have now concluded that our galaxy is about 200 000 light-years wide

The Milky Way actually hosts up to 400 billion stars and it's just a galaxy in the universe. According to current estimates, there are about 100 billion galaxies in this part of the universe, which we can see.

The more we see the universe and explore the invisible parts, the bigger it becomes. So, our universe is constantly expanding. Experts assume that we will get to know more galaxies that humans are developing more new technologies. Probably, the number of galaxies will become double or triple of 100 billion or more. Thus, the Milky Way is only a tiny point compared to all that.

  The Milky Way galaxy

The galaxy of the Milky Way has been mapped with precision ESA / Gaia / DPAC

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