Expensive drugs, renowned brand, increase drug costs


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By Maggie Fox

According to a study released Wednesday, renowned branded prescription drug prices continue to drive up spending on drugs, even though more patients are getting cheaper generics.

And spending is not necessarily motivated by the incredibly expensive but surprisingly effective anti-cancer drugs that make the headlines. The analysis shows that most of the money goes to three proprietary drugs used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and other autoimmune diseases.

Federal health officials and the health insurance sector are encouraging doctors to prescribe more generic drugs in hopes of saving money, which is the case. But new data from the Blue Cross and the Blue Shield Association shows that member insurance companies are paying more than ever for brand name drugs.

"The expensive branded prescription drugs accounted for only 17% of the total prescriptions executed, but accounted for 79% of total prescription drug expenditures ($ 79.5 billion)," said Blue Cross Blue Shield in his report.

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