Expert Offers Safety Tips To Prevent Salmonella Infection


<img id = "anvatoPlayPreview_2915149_127978-image-placeholder" class = "invisible placeholder" src = "×9.jpg "alt =" HONOLULU (KHON2) – As health authorities on the continent handle a multistatic outbreak of Salmonella linked to raw turkey products, many companies are voluntarily recalling popular snacks for salmonella problems.

Potentially contaminated whey leads to voluntary reminders of selected Ritz and Goldfish crackers.

Salmonella causes approximately 1.2 million illnesses, 23,000 hospitalizations and States Every Year

Most people infected with Salmonella develop diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps between 12 and 72 hours after infection. usually lasts 4 to 7 days and most people recover without treatment. In some cases, the diarrhea can be so severe that the patient has to be hospitalized. In these patients, Salmonella infection can spread from the intestines to the bloodstream and then to other parts of the body. In these cases, Salmonella can cause death unless the person is treated promptly with antibiotics. Older people, infants and immunocompromised people are more likely to have serious illness.

"The causes may come from the ingestion of contaminated food, such as contaminated eggs, poultry, dairy products and unpasteurized juices. said Chrislin Yee, registered dietitian for Adventist Health Castle

What can you do to prevent Salmonella contamination in your home?

Wash your hands Salmonella infections may spread from one person to another Wash hands before and after preparing or eating food, after contact with animals and after using the toilet or changing diapers.

Make sure your surfaces and utensils are clean -contamination Separate poultry from ready-to-eat food Use cutting boards, knives and separate cooking utensils.

Cook raw foods thoroughly to kill harmful germs. Turkey breasts, whole turkeys and ground poultry, including hamburgers, casseroles and turkey sausage, must be or still be cooked at 165 ° F internal temperature to kill harmful germs. Leftovers should be warmed to 165 ° F. Use a food thermometer to check and place it in the thickest part of the food

Avoid eggs and undercooked meat products when dining out . The articles in question must be marked on the menu.

If you think you have salmonellosis, Yee advises you to stay hydrated and if you develop severe symptoms, call your doctor.

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