Experts: NASA can intercept Saturn sound waves in the 1970s


US ufologists have reason to suspect the US Space Agency of hiding information recorded on extraterrestrial activities.

: Ксперты: NASA могли перехватить звуковые волны с Сатурна in 1970-х годах

Intercepting the signal from astrophysics could, with the help of the Cassini interplanetary automatic station, sent in the direction of Saturn to gather information about the gas giant and its many moons. The researchers were able to obtain information on the repeated transmission on the ground of the search data, which were strange sound waves, such as periodic overload echoes in the spectra of different frequencies.

The last time the Saturn signal was recorded in 2004. At that time, NASA experts came to the conclusion that this sound was nothing but interference was falling into the range of different frequencies. This became the official version of the report of the study group, but scientists omitted that in 1970, a similar signal already recorded and a signal source capable of generating interference in the space were appeared much later.

First, the tone of the recordings caught the attention of the expert jost van dike in 2007. After examining the structure of the sound waves, it was determined that the sound is constantly changing and that It is unique to terrestrial sounds. In addition, the disc has a series of coded signs that are still not deciphered.

Recently, observing Saturn was possible even without special tools. On September 18, the moonlight allowed us to see clearly the night sky of Saturn and Mars on the moon.

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