Experts warn Trump administration's defense strategy against the risk of losing the war with Russia / China


The warning comes as the Trump administration is considering a possible reduction in the defense budget following a major boost for the 2018 and 2019 fiscal years.

While the report commends the administration for focusing more on Russia and China, as opposed to counterterrorism missions in countries like the Middle East, it denounces the administration's strategy of not explaining how its goals will be met. achieved.

"The (national defense strategy) too often relies on dubious assumptions and weak analysis, leaving unanswered critical questions about how the United States will meet the challenges of a more dangerous world," he said. the report, criticizing the lack of investment and organization. changes to strengthen the new strategy.

"The Commission believes unequivocally that the NDS does not have sufficient resources," says the report, adding that "the resources available are clearly insufficient to meet the ambitious goals of the strategy, including allowing the DOD to defeat a major adversary. while deterring other enemies simultaneously. "

As part of its efforts to reduce the budget deficit, the Trump administration said it publicly weighed on the defense ministry after giving the military an important financial boost.

While the United States is expected to spend some $ 716 billion on defense during the 2019 fiscal year, defense officials told CNN's administration that it was considering cutting back on that. number to 700 billion dollars the following year.

The expert commission, consisting of 12 members, led by former Deputy Secretary of Defense, Eric Edelman, and the former Chief of Naval Operations, retired Admiral Gary Roughead, was mandated by the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, which mandated her to conduct an independent, non-partisan review of the 2018 National Defense Strategy.

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According to the report, given the current trends and the efforts made by the Russians and the Chinese to strengthen their own military capabilities, "the US military could suffer unacceptable losses" and "could have a hard time winning or possibly to lose a war against China or Russia. "

"The United States is particularly at risk of being overwhelmed if its armed forces are forced to fight simultaneously on two or more fronts," the text adds.

The Pentagon issued a statement in which it said it was "pleased with the publication of the report by the Commission," saying the report "affirmed the strategic direction set out in the national defense strategy as well as its main priorities".

The statement does not respond to critics of the strategy report, but says the "Ministry of Defense will carefully consider each of the recommendations presented by the Commission as part of the ongoing efforts to strengthen the defense of our country", and looks forward to working with the Commission and the Congress to do so ".

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