Experts worry about the safety of baby boxes


Experts cautioned that cardboard baby boxes should not be considered a safe alternative to a cradle or cradle.

Boxes, with clothes, blankets and bedding, are offered to new moms in Scotland and parts of England.

Experts are now worried about the "scarcity" of evidence that these sleeping items can be used safely.

The idea of ​​baby cans comes from Finland, where pregnant women traditionally received a cardboard box containing free childcare items, including a mattress that inserts into the bottom of the box, which in fact a bed.

The contents of a Finnish baby box, the origin of the idea
The contents of a Finnish baby box, the origin of the idea

Baby boxes have become increasingly popular in Britain, with a number of NHS trusts offering them to new mothers as well as private companies.

According to a letter published in a medical research journal, the BMJ, the use of baby boxes in Finland and relatively low infant mortality rates are "not proof that these boxes reduce SIDS", also called syndrome sudden death of the infant.

The death rates of cottons in Sweden and Denmark are also low, although they do not traditionally provide cans, added academics and Francine Bates, executive director of the Foundation for Sleep Safety, the Lullaby Trust .

The authors also raised concerns about the "lack of regulation of current safety standards" surrounding cartons and fear that the promotion of these articles will undermine the current messages regarding the safety of babies' sleep. .

The letter concluded: "Without evidence to support, the cardboard baby box should not be presented as a comparable alternative to cots, cradles, baskets or Moses baskets, but as a temporary substitute if nothing any other is available – if the device meets the recognized safety standards.

"We encourage rigorous, controlled studies to better understand how families are using the baby cardboard box and its safety implications."

The Lullaby Trust has already warned that while a box might be a better alternative than sleeping with a baby in unsafe conditions, there was no evidence linking it to a reduction in infant mortality or SIDS.

Sudden death is the unexplained death of a child that usually occurs during sleep and is the most common cause of death between one month and one year.

About 90% of cases occur before the age of six months.

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