Explosive devices found in a letter sent to Hillary Clinton and Obama


Two explosive devices were found in a letter sent to the offices of former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Secret Service announced Wednesday.

The gears resemble those discovered Monday at the billionaire philanthropist George Soros, announced two law enforcement officials.

In a statement, the secret services said "to have intercepted two suspicious packages addressed to persons protected by secret services", identified as Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama.

The device sent to Mrs. Clinton in Westchester County was found Tuesday night by a secret service technician who is reviewing the mail for his office, the statement said. The package sent to Obama was intercepted by secret service personnel in Washington DC early Wednesday.

"The packages were immediately identified as potential explosive devices during routine mail control procedures and treated as such," the statement said. "The beneficiaries did not receive the parcels and were not likely to receive them."

According to this statement, the agency had "opened a large-scale criminal investigation that will mobilize all available federal, regional and local resources to determine the source of the packages and identify those responsible."

Mr. Soros' residence is located in a suburb north of New York. This device was constructed from a length of pipe about six inches long and filled with explosive powder. It was "proactively triggered" by the demining team's technicians, according to one of the officials, who were all informed of the investigation.

The motive of the future kamikazes or Soros bombers was not specified, said one of the officials, adding that there was still no claim of responsibility.

Mr. Soros, who has made a fortune in finance and is now a full-time philanthropist and political activist, is often angered by right-wing groups. In recent days, some have falsely speculated that he had funded a caravan of migrants moving north to Mexico.

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