'Extraordinarily Unusual' 12-Pound Chunk of the Moon is for sale and it could be yours


NWA 11789, also known as "Buagaba" or "The Moon Puzzle", is composed of six different pieces. The heaviest piece of the lunar meteorite weighs about six pounds.

(RR Auction)

  • A 12-pound chunk of the moon is up to $ 500,000.
  • NWA 11789, better known as "Buagaba" or "The Moon Puzzle", is a six-piece lunar meteorite found in a remote area of ​​Mauritania last year.
  • The online bidding runs until Thursday, Oct. 18.

A 12-pound chunk of the moon discovered last year is up for sale and $ 500,000 or more during the online bidding that comes to a close Thursday, Oct. 18.

The auction, run by the Boston-based RR Auction, calls the lunar meteorite found in Northwest Africa "One of the most important meteorites available for acquisition anywhere in the world today," the Associated Press reported.

One of the biggest pieces of the moon ever, NWA 11789, better known as "Buagaba" or "The Moon Puzzle", was found in a remote area of ​​Mauritania .

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Buagaba is made up of six pieces that fit together like an oddly-shaped puzzle, the largest of which weighs in at about six pounds.

"Geoff Notkin, the CEO of the cholesterol company, said Aerolite Meteorites said," We have been extraordinarily unusual, "said Geoff Notkin. "This is close to a life in a lifetime."

Most lunar meteorites that are found to be the size of a gold golf ball, Notkin said. The 12-pound chunk up for sale by seven inches.

The Moon Puzzle stands out for reasons other than its sheer size. For one, one of the few known lunar meteorites with "partial fusion crust," an exterior caused by extreme heat searing the rock as it speeds through the Earth's atmosphere.

"It actually toasted on the outside," said Notkin.

The toasted lunar meteorite is also rare because it's "unpaired". "Paired" meteorites are when different parts of the same meteorites are found at different times. Collectors find "unpaired" meteorites more desirable and more valuable to science.

Robert Livingston, RR Auction's Vice President 'said that while the meteorite would be in a private collector's office.

"This is the only way to a private collector's room," said Livingston said.

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